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  1. wblastyn

    Not sure what to believe anymore

    Thank you all for your replies. I'm feeling better about the whole thing today. I think the reason I felt so bad yesterday was because I bought the God Delusion. I felt this intense guilt, not because I thought God would be angry with me, but because I was afraid that my parents would be. I...
  2. wblastyn

    Not sure what to believe anymore

    I was raised in a fundementalist, Pentecostal, Christian household. I believed in a literal Genesis (creationism, Noah's Ark, etc) until around my late teens, when I began to learn more about science. I accepted evolution, etc and my beliefs in a literal Genesis fell away. However, it hasn't...
  3. wblastyn

    Hannah Poling

    Assuming MMR vaccines do cause autism - is autism so bad that you would rather your child die from measles, mumps or rubella than have autism?
  4. wblastyn

    Doomed for Eternity!!

    But how are people supposed to "accept salvation" when they don't have any reason to believe that they need saved from anything.
  5. wblastyn

    Which Character Accent Do You Have?

    I have a Belfast accent (I'm from Northern Ireland), but not a really broad one.
  6. wblastyn

    Does pro homosexuality mean pro abortion?

    Perhaps this is the supposed link?
  7. wblastyn

    how do you define a fundie (conservative Christian)?

    It involves using logic and reason... A concept which no doubt seems foreign to you.
  8. wblastyn

    Response to the current CF crackdown by conservatives

    This seems like a fun game - annoying fundies until you get banned 8) To be honest, a lot of fundies here are like mindless drones, unable to think for themselves, and instead must recite Bible verses to support their "argument". They're like members of the Borg collective "you must comply"...
  9. wblastyn

    Tyra Banks : Evil Filth/Evil Woman

    So using your logic we shouldn't try to help children with leukaemia, Thalidomide babies or babies suffering from Erythroblastosis Fetalis, because God created them that way, and that is how they should stay. Another tactic used by fundies such as Renton and co involves running off to the Bible...
  10. wblastyn

    Tyra Banks : Evil Filth/Evil Woman

    In Renton's world anything that is different, or that he is simply not used to, is evil. It makes life wonderfully simple - you never have to think about anything, because if you don't like it then it's evil. God is against anything evil and they will burn in hell for all eternity. Gay =...
  11. wblastyn

    The Cure.

    So you would prefer them to die from Measles, Mumps or Rubella, than to have autism? Not to mention the impact on herd immunity.
  12. wblastyn

    Ask someone who was "cured" of autism

    Why would you need cured from something that is not a disease?
  13. wblastyn

    Exam Anxiety

    Last Christmas I took an overdose because I could not cope with the stress of my university exams. I was allowed to resit them in the summer, but anxiety took over again and I couldn't sit them. So I was allowed to repeat the semester. Now I'm back in the exam period and feeling anxious yet...
  14. wblastyn

    Harry Potter is vile: This is why...

    The Golden Compass is about how the church suppresses knowledge (and people in general). The church wants to sever the link between humans and their daemons because think dust is original sin, and that daemons attract dust. However, dust is what allows humans to gain knowledge, and is a part...
  15. wblastyn

    Harry Potter is vile: This is why...

    I suggest those of you who can't distinguish fact from fiction ask your doctor for some anti-psychotics. It might help you come back to reality.
  16. wblastyn

    You think this is my fault?

    Getting back to the OP: Take a look at this
  17. wblastyn

    I'm a Christian-- and gay-- and my family doesn't know.

    pottedplant, if you want real support (i.e. not "it's a sin and you have to change!"), I would advise you to post here:
  18. wblastyn

    Landmark Study: Change for Homosexuals is Possible!

    Yes, and of those 38%: So, their homosexual feelings didn't completely go away. Chances are the people in this group were simply bisexual. Doesn't sound like success to me. So they either lost their sexual attraction all together or their homosexual attraction decreased slightly. They have...
  19. wblastyn

    Non Nicene or Anti Nicene???

    Yes, because the Bible says "Believe in the Nicene creed and be baptised" in order to receive salvation... No wait, it actually says "Repent and be baptised". It's silly to push people away because they don't have the correct "theology". Surely all you need is Jesus?