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  1. T

    My best study tip!!!!

    Great tips! Maybe I'll try a bit of project planning right now in fact.
  2. T

    Disgusting and disgraseful Australian T.V show

    Now I know that lots of people are absolutely gonna hate this show (speaking of moral decay and all) but has anyone seen British sit-com the Green Wing? The funniest show on tv if you ask me!!
  3. T

    My best study tip!!!!

    Thanks Catherineanne - much appreciated. Hope the tip helps. I've found it to be really useful especially when I'm feeling snowed under with work. The other thing I find useful in these situations is to concentrate on doing one thing at a time (rather that attempting to do everything at once)...
  4. T

    My best study tip!!!!

    No worries mate.
  5. T

    Only humans in heaven?

    Um, no - I'm just saying that humans can be considered a form of animal. I also think we are mammals, intelligent (relatively), hairy (most of us) and some of us are even dog-like in our loyalty. And what's wrong with the image of an animal anyway?
  6. T

    My best study tip!!!!

    Hi all, I'm in my second last year studying Psychology in Australia, and I thought I'd share my most valuable tip for studying . . . . . it's got me through 7 years of study and 3 of those with kids . . . . so here it is: Lower your standards - This is critical. 50% of your effort gives 90%...
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    Famous Dyslexic People

    Inspirational. I hope all of the kids with reading disorders see this.
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    Is LD hereditary?

    Like most things, there's often a genetic predisposition that is passed on, but other factors (such as stress, education, parenting etc etc) also play a role and can determine the extent to which the disorder is expressed. My advice would be to focus on the things that you do have control over -...
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    What learning disability do I have?

    doesn't sound like aspergers to me, but maybe you would benefit from talking to your doctor or another health professional. Have you always had problems with formulating questions?
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    Please Pray For Drug Addicted Brother

    Hope your brother finds his way. And also hoping that you are coping okay at this time.
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    Did something bad happen??
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    Pray For me

    May your life come back into wack soon.
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    Should Alcoholics Anonymous be banned?

    Depends whether it works I guess.
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    Ok....ask away!

    If you were an animal, what would you be and why? I'd be a wombat by the way! Slow and steady wins the race.
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    Trip to Germany

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    My phone is clean!

    Good luck, I put mine through the washing machine - no luck with that one. I didn't try rice though!!!
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    Which is more strange?

    Consciousness is 'strange' as you put it, because it doesn't have a physical presence.
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    Another newbie here.

    Hi and welcome. I'm pretty new here also.
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    prayer request

    Wishing Katherine all the best. And also hoping that you and your girlfriend are coping ok.
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    Occupy Tears Down, Jesus Builds Up

    Agreed. I think this resonates with many people in the general population. It's time we think about sustainability rather than endless growth.