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  1. D

    Is anyone pro-choice consistently?

    Government involvement is the only thing that makes me 'pro-choice'. People are incorrect to assume that being 'pro-choice' is the same as being 'pro-abortion'. It is a problem that can not be solved by legislation.
  2. D

    Was it ethical for God to wait so long to grant us our rights?

    Exactly. We could have a lengthy discussion on the validity of natural rights and whether or not a god is necessary for them to exist, but to say they were recently granted would be like saying the earth was flat until we discovered it was round.
  3. D

    Was it ethical for God to wait so long to grant us our rights?

    This isn't a very good starting point. You can't equivocate 'god given rights', with state granted rights. 'God given rights' refer to natural rights, which stem from the philosophical concept of natural law - referring to the use of reason to analyze human nature and deduce binding rules of...
  4. D

    religious views of.other religions.

    This question has always boggled me. The general conncensus seems to be that having the wrong faith is better than having no faith all. I often tell people who insist that I believe their faith, to get together with everybody else that has a different faith, come to an agreement on which faith...
  5. D

    How do atheists generally feel about religious people?

    I started the thread,so I guess it is fair I answer in this thread. My motto is "love the people, hate the belief". This is obviously similar to "love the sinner, hate the sin". Most people's religious beliefs are rather benign when it comes to day to day interaction. It's the ones who...