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  1. K

    i give up, im truly cursed

    i just want to givr up. i cant hold on and endure this. God doesnt hear me. im at a job that i have no clue what im doing, i have ni support from a doctor, i am afraid of being sued, i cant afford malpractice insurance, and the owner said he would provide it but im not even sure if he will. i...
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    Doctrine about the Holy Spirit gives me anxiety

    I was listening to a sermon today and I fell asleep so I'm not sure if what I was hearing about the Holy Spirit was part of the dream or the actual sermon and I'm not sure if my response was taking place in the dream or in reality. But even while awake hearing anything taught about the Holy...
  3. K

    Maybe im not Gods child afterall

    I've been through hell (if you care to know the story I have a recent thread posted here called "not sure if I have ocd, but either way my life is ruined).i don't understand God's way and why he has let me suffer so much. I've been unemployed as a PA for over a yeae all my classmates have jobs...
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    unsure if i have OCD, but my life is ruined anyway

    im struggling. i was diagnosed with OCD, but im not sure if i have it. i still question if im saved because I cant hear from God, i dont experience conviction from the Holy Spirrit, i dont believe ive grown spirtually, no fruit of the Spirit etc. Also i know obsessions are unwanted intrisvie...
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    God's presence

    there are many christians who talk about having seasons of not experiencing God, which implies that there are times when God did feel close to them. many christians speak of how God was near to them before and then they went through a wilderness experience. im not discrediting their pain, but...
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    i dont know what is going on or where god is

    i have suffered with doubts about salvation for 6 years, its lead to deep depression. ive been misunderstood by unsaved loved ones who i could never explain to why i was depressed. they assumed it was a personal issue, but explaining to a nonbeliever that you are depressed about your salvation...
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    i see things for how they truly are (trigger)

    many people offer their reasons for suffering but i have personally concluded that there is no purpose for any of it. when we ask why bad things happen, christians are qucik to defend God and say its not his fault, and he has nothing to do with it but when there is good they tell you all glory...
  8. K

    empty my thoughts. of God

    I never was saved though I asked many times.I succumbed to depression when I accepted Jesus and it still persists today. I have prayed for assurance but have none. The bible says the holy spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the sons of God. This hasn't happened for me so I know...
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    i want to die ove lost all hope
  10. K

    the end

    ive given up onmyself and on whatever faith i had left, thank you to you all who helped me and goodbye i hope the best for you all
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    Just be held Please listen to this great song, I hope it brings peace and hope to you all.
  12. K

    I give up

    I give up. Every day has been a struggle and maybe just wishful thinking. I want you to know I can't carry these burdens. I feel ashamed and selfish because I desire a relationship so much. I see myself as damaged and no one will want me. I expressed over and over the pain and my desire to be...
  13. K

    Giving up

    I give up on searching for answers, trying to find ways to be healed, always confused about God, I don't care anymore. I'm leaving this all behind and I don't care what happens to me. This is all nonsense, it's a mental maze where you keep searching for truth, reaching out all the time for help...
  14. K

    i gave up on love

    hi everyone this is my first time posting here. today ive given up on love. i looked at a few pictures of myself and realized there is nothing attractive about me so why should i hope someone would find me attractive. I am emotionally broken inside too. i do think im a caring person but i have...
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    Without hope

    When I observe the tragedies happening around the world it weakens any faith I had. People always says God is our hope but it seems like we have to make it through life and pain alone. I have lost hope for myself in my ways. I can't get rid of feelings of worthlessness. I hate the father God...
  16. K

    Is anyone interested in these books?

    I have two book called distorted images of God and distorted images of self by Dale and Juanita Ryan. Would anyone be interested in me mailing the books to them?
  17. K

    No reason to live

    I give up on everything. I want to die. I fooled myself into thinking I was on the path of healing, I'm not. God isn't in my life and I'm not saved. I'm alone and fatherless. After all the pain I've sustained god hasn't done anything. Praying is useless on behalf of others and especially myself...
  18. K

    I have not forgotten you all and God certainly has not forgotten you either.

    Holy Spirit Interactive: Fr. Jack McArdle - I am Depressed, Lord Please click on this link this is a powerful heartfelt prayer that I'm sure many of you who are struggling can relate to and there is an encouraging loving response written based on the word of God representing what Jesus...
  19. K

    I have not forgotten you all and God certainly has not forgotten you either.

    Spirit of God, you came to enlighten us, and to guide our feet into the ways of peace. You came to be our Comforter, to complete the work of Jesus, and to bring us the fullness of grace. Grace is gift, total gift, and that is why I dare ask you for the grace of enlightenment, of hope, and of...
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    Hello. I'm just posting to get out my feelings. After reading some of the posts to my threads I have come to accept some painful truths in my life. I've accepted that I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and that what's hurting me will never change. I cannot get back the years...