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  1. Stellar Vision

    What is insulin resistance?

    Check out the video I linked, I think you'll find it interesting. It's Intramyocellular lipids that cause the cell receptors to not respond to insulin. It's like gumming up a lock.
  2. Stellar Vision

    What is insulin resistance?

    She mentions that the insulin receptors are locked, but she never fully explains what's gumming up the locks.
  3. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    They’re both valid, the other users felt the need to bring up ethics first.
  4. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Whole food vegan diets are very healthy, junk food vegan diets aren't. There's a venn diagram here obviously.
  5. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Doesn't change that you could stay alive eating plant's, and even enjoy them too. Killing the animal to eat their meat is immoral and wrong, and unhealthy for that matter.
  6. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Nonsense. Just a few local varieties are plenty to thrive off of; many people do it without issue. Starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, and grains are the most satiating foods available, and the healthiest. We can even see from fossilized fecal samples that our distant...
  7. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Eat local produce if you want. Transport of food has a smaller ecological footprint than it's production, so feel free to have some fruit now and then too.
  8. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Sure in the past, but we've got an abundant supply of plants year round now.
  9. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Ok so you're admitting that it's just for taste pleasure.
  10. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    Why would humans need to eat meat to survive (other than B12 which can be supplemented)?
  11. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    What about it is 'complete' un-natural?
  12. Stellar Vision

    Is being vegan healthy?

    A strict whole food plant based diet is vegan, and that's as healthy a diet as you can get. Whole plant foods and nothing but whole plant foods.
  13. Stellar Vision

    Back pain

    You need to look at this. And understand it. Eating a diet that heals artery function as an adjunct to your other treatment for the accident can make all the difference in the world. I should know, I've experienced it with a past back injury I had with one of my upper vertebrae.
  14. Stellar Vision

    What do you do when the Lord won't heal you?

    There's no guarantees this will help, but it might be good to know
  15. Stellar Vision

    Severely Anxious about Mild Atherosclerosis

    Oh I'm with you there. I'm incredibly glad they're gone for me after several years of getting worse. 2. and 8. Most all of the Blue Zones *regions of the world where a higher than usual number of people live much longer than average* have a mostly whole food plant-based diet in common among...
  16. Stellar Vision

    How low has your BG gone down?

    So what was the prognosis from the doctor? Does he have you on a certain diet?
  17. Stellar Vision

    I am a Raw Vegan Christian--Anybody Else? :)

    Yes. That. There's a saying in the Whole Food Plant-Based community: "Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels." From my experience it took maybe about a month or two, but within the first WEEK I felt so good on the inside that that was way more motivating than the 'cardboard' flavoring was...
  18. Stellar Vision

    Ignorance of Nutrition Is No longer Defensible

    Delete? The thread or your post? Have you had any insight in the past 9 months about the quandary in your OP? Want to know what it is?