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  1. Chilaha

    Why is Satan the scape goat for all evil?

    As I try to come back to my Christian faith by answering some of my own questions... I came across this one. If humans alone brought sin into this world by their choice to disobey God why does everyone blame Satan for the evil in this world? Disease, pain, stress, death, and etc. all came...
  2. Chilaha

    Why should I tithe?

    So, I have a job this summer roofing. While I know people are supposed to tithe I have not because of these reasons: 1) I'm only 17 and it doesn't make sense to give any money away because I need to save up for my future. 2) I'm using most of my money on gas and groceries to save money for my...
  3. Chilaha

    Internet Addiction

    I have had a problem with "xxx" material for almost a year now. And, I don't really know what to do. Since, it is never specifically addressed in the Bible I try and tell myself it is OK. But, I guess it isn't. I'm very ashamed of the type of things I am looking at now too. Things started from...
  4. Chilaha

    At the end of my rope

    Recently, I have not felt well, mentally speaking. Now, I'm not sure what to do. I find no enjoyment in anything lately and I see that this world is messed up and broken. Even if I try to make things right they are screwed up in time. Everything gets old, decays, breaks, and etc. There are so...
  5. Chilaha


    I'm struggling with a concept here. I don't get why God has people get married in this life but there is no marriage in the next. He fills people with the desire to fall in love with someone and then in the end they won't be married forever they are just going to be in heaven and forget about...
  6. Chilaha

    Life seems meaningless

    I don't know what to do. I'm at the point where living seems to be pointless and sadly not fun or exciting to me. Most activities are very boring and dumb to me. I like to exercise the amount needed to be healthy but other than that I hate playing sports and stuff. I don't care for the arts. I...
  7. Chilaha

    A few questions

    1) Why did God make plants and things that make you high if he doesn't want you to do them? It's kind of like when your mom makes cookies and tells you not to eat them. It's like she made them just to tempt you. And, obviously there are a lot of things we wouldn't put in our bodies but drugs...
  8. Chilaha

    O God

    O God, Why do you hate me? Why did you lie when you said "I will never forsake thee."? Why do us people have to be so ugly and smell? Why must so many precious souls go to Hell? Why don't you rid me of my pain? Why does it seem like all I do for you is in vain? Why do you continue to watch me...
  9. Chilaha

    Why do you enjoy being "second"?

    I'm really struggling with this. I know God is first and then people and then it's me. But, then, how is this fun or good for me? I live to serve others and etc. and that's it. There's nothing for me to look forward to, no way to feel good because no one care about me, I can't even care about...
  10. Chilaha

    I am at a crossroads

    I'm having trouble making a wise decision about something. there is a dance coming up at my school and I would like to ask someone to go but I'm not sure if I should. My reason being is that I'm someone who likes to go all out on stuff and being like that I want to buy a lot of stuff for...
  11. Chilaha

    Am I addicted?

    Hey guys, So I've been trying to go back to Jesus and live according to His will but one thing really has me struggling. That would be lust and po.rn. I'm pretty sure I haven't been able to go more than a week without fapping or looking at "that stuff". And, I don't want to make things seem...
  12. Chilaha

    Does fasting have to be food?

    I have been told that it isn't acceptable to "fast" from TV, video games, or something like that. You have to go without food or it isn't "valid" or as meaningful. Anyone gotta any input? thanks, Chilaha
  13. Chilaha

    Why doesn't God solve everything?

    As I am struggling with questions lately. This one arouse to my mind. I'm sure all Christians would agree as my pastor said that, "We should help people if we have the ability to." And, I believe we should and not just because God says so but since I really care about people. But, why doesn't...
  14. Chilaha

    How can someone know they are truly saved?

    I am kind of a Christian as of now. I believe in this God and Jesus and that they are my savior but have many questions and am very unsure of a lot. But, one big thing is how can someone truly know they are saved? The Bible says, 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful...
  15. Chilaha

    Does God actually play favorites?

    I understand that Jesus is supposed to not have any favorites nor show favoritism but much of the Bible and His plan seem to hint otherwise. Such as the Jews. They were God's CHOSEN PEOPLE. Out of everyone He selected them and not other people. Why not everyone if He loved them all? Many times...
  16. Chilaha

    Romantic relationships

    Since, I'm getting older this is something more often on my mind. And now I have come to some questions about how modern courting, relationships, and etc. either are or are not really what they are meant to be. One big question is based on the ideology that there is that one person meant for...
  17. Chilaha

    I want to come back to the faith, but...

    I feel that I want to come back to my Christian faith. But, I'm conflicted. This is a hard path filled with lots of trials, tribulations, and tests. Not only that, but even knowing God loves me and etc. I still do not feel this "completeness" that all the Christians are running around being...
  18. Chilaha

    Why does God let us live in an imperfect world?

    I don't understand this. Why does God keep us in a world wear possessions, people, and relationships are eventually destroyed. Items decay and wear after years. While people grow old, wrinkle, and shrivel up. And, wife and husbands die and are separated from each other after working so hard for...
  19. Chilaha

    Help me not be a jerk

    I need help. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go back to Christianity, but I really want to stop being this cruel, inconsiderate, and insensitive person I have been lately. I'm stealing money from kids, flipping random people off, lying, cheating, and just being plain mean. I want to know how to be...
  20. Chilaha

    Is it wrong to get married?

    So, I was thinking about just kinda relationships adn etc. I started wondering if it is really right to get married and have kids and. Because I'm just thinking if you didn't have a spouse or kids you would have a lot more free time and money available. Therefore, you would have more time to...