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  1. Hank

    Boys Scouts lift ban of Gay Leaders Oh boy. Will you send your boy to the scouts? They lost already the support from Intel Corp and one other one. It's called a victory by some, I think a very old institution is falling apart. Not sure if this...
  2. Hank

    Pointless vandalism in Nimrud City

    Treasures of the ancient world is being demolished., for ehm modern gods. Islamic State militants bulldoze ancient Nimrud city | Reuters It's nothing new, and not limited to Islam fanatics, but still sad to witness. I love going to historical sites and wander around and simply contemplate...
  3. Hank

    It's been a while

    It's been a long time since I posted here. This forum always sent best wishes. This time around, I responded but to a message 11 years old. :blush: Thus; why not say hello. :wave: Live is good, hope your is too :cool:
  4. Hank

    Global warming

    Scientist say global warming is the result of greenhouse gases. Are they actually correct? Do they have proof? If yes please show it; not propaganda actual scientific proof.
  5. Hank

    Is the universe deterministic?

    ... and here I refer to the definition of various sources One is The second is PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA WEB The other is Mathworld...
  6. Hank

    The Superstring, can it be?

    I forgot who it was but one guy wanted to discuss Superstring theory. :o I did a google and found this brief report which is four years old. I am only asking who accepts the superstring and why, and can they give other more up to...
  7. Hank

    Thanks Giving

    Since I immigrated to Canada I celebrate thanks giving. Today is no exception. Now looking at google I am no longer sure how this all got started. Anyone knows the actual origins?
  8. Hank

    Dark matter found ?

     It seems NASA has found more matter, in fact a horde of matter in space. I did not see this posted here. If it was just delete. This is awesome stuff. You just want to hop in a space ship and check it out :D So why...
  9. Hank

    Peace ?

    We prolly all heard the news in Tel Aviv. So I thought on making a peace thread. Not sure if such a thing is possible here, just post something that prompted you to think beyond just yourself in a positive way. - Yes, including Bible, Quran quotes. Also if possible just post the quote not...
  10. Hank

    [PERMANENTLY CLOSED] Bible and science

    When I read through some posts I can't help wondering a: why would the Bible be used as a science book? b: if the Bible is not a science book, why use science to try to prove/disprove it? Science tells us how things are. The Bible, Koran, and what not, give accounts of people claiming to...