Search results

  1. Sanerive

    Enjoying outdoors while growing in intimacy w/ God

    Hey All, I thought that this would be nice to show for those who love spending time with God in the great outdoors especially if you wanted to find something that helped you grow in deeper intimacy with Him while doing it! It's in Australia and even though the dates are for 2011 there's one...
  2. Sanerive

    Mission opportunities

    '+imgs[0]+' This a large ministry that's quite diverse (nationality-wise and range of generations) missionaries that operate in and out of Herrhut, Germany. My wife and I have been serving as full time volunteer missionaries now for 6 and 7 years within Australia and New Zealand. God has...
  3. Sanerive

    missionary work in multiple places?

    Well my friend, you have the perfect match for what this link is all about and exactly what danluc was talking about regarding YWAM and what he's involved in as a full-time volunteer missionary. Check it out: Get trained at YWAM Newcastle! on Vimeo Blessings mate and praying for you! We need...
  4. Sanerive

    I never

    Get into stuff like this! Media | YWAM Newcastle - Australia or like this Thailand team wk 5-6 on Vimeo Seriously- check this out. There are a lot of people who have done this that have come from similar challenges and backgrounds as what you've described. This is transformational to you as a...
  5. Sanerive

    Starting a youth

    Sailorgirl - I'm involved in a ministry that loves to help other people start youth ministries! We're located in Newcastle, NSW. If you have time you should come check us out or contact us. We love being able to minister to the youth of Australia and reveal Jesus in even deeper ways! The...
  6. Sanerive

    Starting a youth

    Sailorgirl - I'm involved in a ministry that loves to help other people start youth ministries! We're located in Newcastle, NSW. If you have time you should come check us out or contact us. We love being able to minister the the youth of Australia and reveal Jesus in even deeper ways! The...
  7. Sanerive

    Encouraging Testimonies from Full-Time Missionaries

    Get trained at YWAM Newcastle! on Vimeo
  8. Sanerive

    Youth Mentoring Ministry

    Whoa- I want to mentor a new order Amish kid! That sounds like a blast! Camping is awesome for stuff situations like this... you wouldn't even have to go far away. Think boy scouts but kingdom of God style where he can learn why stewardship is important to every day living and how when stuff...
  9. Sanerive

    Share Your Vision Statement

    What's your vision statement? Not to be confused with mission statement. Mission statement = what is happening from what you are doing (they also tend to be uber long) Vision statement = what will happen from who you are (less than 10 words is cherry) My vision statement is: Championing...
  10. Sanerive

    Backpacking Cross-Country

    John Wesley went "horse-backing" and evangelizing in portions of the US. If that's on your heart then this is for you: hxxp://
  11. Sanerive

    No Sex in Christian heaven? proof?

    They could if they used a syringe :crosseo:
  12. Sanerive

    there is lot of work to do

    I agree with you. There's a lot of work to do. You are being very diligent and doing all that you can my friend! I'm doing what I can to train up and mobilize people into the field. What particular location are you in?
  13. Sanerive

    I never

    If you don't mind me asking, why do you feel like you can't and what's making it hard? Health stuff, financial stuff, family stuff? Wanna do stuff like this? hxxp://
  14. Sanerive

    I want to work for the Lord

    Ta da! :D hxxp://
  15. Sanerive

    Believe it all or non of it?

    None of the above please! I want to lead nations to Christ!
  16. Sanerive

    What do you think Christian ministry employment is?

    Those are heaps of questions mate! I've heard that one of the worst things that happened was when Constantine legalized Christianity in the 4th century and began offering wages to 'spiritual leaders'... but I'm still personally researching that. I myself am a full time volunteer in a missions...
  17. Sanerive

    No Sex in Christian heaven? proof?

    Replenish the UNIVERSE! :)
  18. Sanerive

    The Inerrancy of Scripture

    I would have a deeper sense of respect for this research and probably agree IF I only had an emotional experience with God. Instead I've personally encountered God and baptized in the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit didn't exist then this research would make total and complete sense. Of course...
  19. Sanerive

    How did you find faith?

    I attended a school with Youth With A Mission. I joined on as a full time volunteer! :)
  20. Sanerive

    Joel Osteen Reality Show

    He's right about judgement, it belongs to God alone.