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  1. C

    Luke 14:33

    Jesus says in Luke 14:33 ''whomsoever of you that does not forsake all that he owns cannot be my disciple''. I am interested in hearing people's thoughts on this. I see from the gospel that the disciples actually obeyed this, that Jesus told the mutlitudes, the religious leaders and his...
  2. C

    Mark of the Beast

    Revelation 13 says, ''And he caused all to recieve a mark in their right hand or forehead without which no man could buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name''. Never in the world has everyone needed something in the hand or forehead with...
  3. C

    The Fall of America

    Most of Revelation 18 is a description about the destruction of Babylon. When one reads that passage it's very hard NOT to think how America is Babylon. Like a prostitute America TALKS about love (with all of her churches) but what does America really want? Money. Capitalism = the love of...
  4. C

    Love or Money

    Hi, I am a relatively new Christian, and I have been reading the Gospels recently, trying to equate myself with the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was reading the sermon on the mount and I was reading in chapter 6 of Matthew, Jesus says, ''No man can serve two masters, for he will love...