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  1. Bjornke

    The Coffeeshop is Open!

    I collect Model Helicopters... Less so now, as they are expensive. (They're R/C) It's a hobby and a collection :)
  2. Bjornke

    Fornication - Is It Still A Sin, TODAY?

    I agree that it is still a sin today. However, because of our culture, and peer pressure, you would be hard pressed to find many who have never laid with a women or man before marriage. Most men have lost their virginity by 17. Women, by 19.
  3. Bjornke

    Prayers for my wife please.

    Blessings and prayers for you, your family, your wife.
  4. Bjornke

    How to read the Bible

    Something that helps me is getting a printed version. I always read from a screen of some sort, and I found later that I don't feel motivated to do that anymore. I guess I'm just weird. God knows I need to read my Bible more often. I always forget, choose not to, or don't like the version...
  5. Bjornke

    its really hard just to get to work everyday

    Your signature "When a man ends his life, it is the people who knew him that are to blame for not giving him the support he needed, like if he needed a girlfriend and nobody even tried to help him get one." is an intereting one brother, and probably somewhat true. The reason behind depression...
  6. Bjornke

    How to walk on water.

    Amen my brother. Amen. Sometimes we complicate our faith, but in reality, it should be simple, like a child.
  7. Bjornke

    Storms. The exit route.

    Wow, What a wonderful post. It surely is one of the truths about Christ. He is out refuge in the storm. Amen my brother. Very encouraging.
  8. Bjornke

    Has Life Marred You?

    Life has for sure marred me. I understand your frustration with the church and how they have treated you. Luckily I have not had that experience, but I did have a serious test of faith that caused me great agony. Even thinking of it today still churns strong emotions inside. The lasting...
  9. Bjornke

    Study: 38% of Private Employers to Cut Jobs if Wage Increase

    I would like to know as well. I too have worked at minimum wage, and can tell you first hand how difficult that is. People always want more. More money. More food. More. SO even if minimum wage was $50 people would still want more. You can't live off of minimum wage. Period.
  10. Bjornke

    No more genophobia!

    Thank you for sharing your advice. It is very helpful and I am appreciative of it.
  11. Bjornke

    Praise the Lord! Financial blessing

    Amen! You have my blessings and prayers that all goes well.
  12. Bjornke

    Post something positive that happened to you this month?

    Sorry to see that no one else has posted here yet. This forum is often overlooked, even I just visited it for the first time today. My positive of the month: God pointed out that I am far from Him, and that I must change my heart. So I shall try and pray to change my heart.
  13. Bjornke

    Is the word bigotry a political incorrect way of describing a Christian?

    It's always interesting to see those who call us bigot, go out and then act as bigots themselves. It is stereotypes to Christians because the world does a lot of things that we see as unfit. And though we are called to love regardless, many of these people only see that we disagree with their...
  14. Bjornke

    Study: 38% of Private Employers to Cut Jobs if Wage Increase

    Everyone who has worked Minimum Wage does want to move up. The issue is that there are few opportunities. As there are fewer jobs and more people looking for a job then available. Additionally, the job market is over saturated with baby boomers that are working past retirement, holding up...
  15. Bjornke

    Noah Movie and protecting the faith

    I am not sure if it will be laughable, but I still would really like to see Noah and Son of God. Even if they're not Biblical, they still may be somewhat enjoyable motion pictures. But then again, I LOVE movies, and always find them entertaining. Just don't like comedies.
  16. Bjornke

    prayer question

    I agree with this. This is one of those things that I think has caused many to lose faith in healing. A lot of leaders and pastors pray with authority such as "I just pray father that you heal this child" but in reality, that is an order, and God is the last person to take an order from us...
  17. Bjornke

    Curious about Prayer

    Prayer, Has been difficult for my as well. Recently I have found myself asking for things for myself. Especially, understanding of why I said certain things which led to my darkest hour. It seems to me, that when I am earnest, and really do want an answer from God, and have faith that...
  18. Bjornke

    Does God reveal Himself more to some people than others?

    Great point that you make. While I certainly am not one to refute this, I can see how an atheist would use this very understanding against our faith. I, do, however, believe it is true. Should one be far from God, one probably isn't going to see much of God in anything. But I myself will...
  19. Bjornke

    Noah Movie and protecting the faith

    I still would love to see this movie, but I will take it with a grain of salt for sure. I actually really enjoyed the movie, Passion of the Christ. It's not 100% but fairly good, and it definitely helps paint a picture of how harsh Roman treatment was, and just how much Christ really suffered.
  20. Bjornke

    Now on Youtube: Full Version "Experts Speak Out on 9/11 Truth"

    Wow. Speechless. Some scientist you are. One scientist vs thousands that confirmed the NIST reports. Very impressive. Remind me to never take your calculations seriously.