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  1. eachallberg

    Gospel of Thomas walk through PT. 2

    Continuing from... Part 1 GoT is not a narrative like John or the Synoptics, and that characteristic doesn't dictate its substance as a Gospel. The GoT does present all the elements of a Gospel in the form of sayings. Not to be confused with; the book...
  2. eachallberg

    Philip K. Dick

    What is real? Who am I? Why is my flesh a prison of torment? When will there be comfort? Where is the mind? PKD was considered a gnostic Christian and influenced many. Thoughts?
  3. eachallberg

    Book of Thomas walk through PT. 1

    Aka known as the Gospel of Thomas. I refer to it as Thomas, because its not really a Gospel IMO. (Not to be confused with; the book of Thomas the contender). Was Thomas influenced by other gospels, or vice versa? I said before that I can correlate about all of Thomas to what can be found in...
  4. eachallberg

    Growing in knowledge

    How do I do that?
  5. eachallberg

    Growing in gnosis

    How do you describe it like? Christ be with you.
  6. eachallberg


    living in the myst of these miracles how could I not be spiritual and why would I edit what comes out and what more important could I talk about I don't claim to have all the answers I don't even know half the questions but as we search for a cure for cancer we forget to reflect on our...
  7. eachallberg

    Archons, fallen angels, Egyptian gods

    "Yaldabaoth, a 'serpent with a lion's head'. This figure is commonly known as the demiurge, after the figure in Plato's Timaeus, Latinized demiurgus, meaning "artisan" or "craftsman", lit. "public or skilled worker" Yaldabaoth creates a material world in imitation of the divine Pleroma. To...
  8. eachallberg

    A troubling dream before the seed of gnosis...

    I was standing behind a wood fence in a inclosed area and there was a sand storm going on the other side and it was blowing through the cracks hitting me. Beyond the fence was only desert, sand dunes were the only thing besides the brown sandy sky. I was holding 2 armfuls of red roses. 2...
  9. eachallberg

    Staying READY

    Those who receive him to themselves with uprightness and power and every knowledge are the ones whom he will transfer to the heights, unto life eternal. But those who receive him to themselves with ignorance, the pleasures which are defiled prevail over them. It is those people who used to say...
  10. eachallberg

    Will matter be destroyed?

    The Savior said, All nature, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will be resolved again into their own roots. For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Peter said to him, Since you...
  11. eachallberg


    Now the name of the Father is the Son. It is he who first gave a name to the one who came forth from him, who was himself, and he begot him as a son. He gave him his name, which belonged to him; he is the one to whom belongs all that exists around him, the Father. His is the name; his is the...
  12. eachallberg

    How two witnesses of Christ can be alive right now.

    I do question revelation on many occasions but the focus of this, is to shed light on the 2 witnesses in revelation. Anything is possible. Genesis writes man shall live no longer than 120 years and that's kind of true. So how can 2 people who witnessed Christ in the true flesh on earth be...
  13. eachallberg

    The most chemtrails ever seen

    Peace be with you. I've never seen so many chemtrails in the sky since today. Whether you believe chemtrails are just condensation, a means to control weather, or what I believe to be a projection screen. The fact is, chemtrails are noticeable today over northeast Illinois, USA. I'm aware...
  14. eachallberg

    The Light through Christ...

    If anyone does not receive it while he is here, he will not be able to receive it in the other place. He who will receive that light will not be seen, nor can he be detained. And none shall be able to torment a person like this, even while he dwells in the world. And again when he leaves the...
  15. eachallberg

    God is... A dyer!

    Peace! Be with you. The good dyes, true dyes, dissolve into things dyed into them. So too for things God has dyed. His dyes are imperishable because of their colors. What God dips, He dips in water. Who dips in fire?
  16. eachallberg

    Its illegal to be Christian...

    In Cook County Illinois, USA. Its illegal to not have money. Its illegal to sleep in public. It's illegal to be Christ like. If I decide not to serve mammon, and be like Christ not having a place to lay my head... I'm a law breaker. Thoughts?
  17. eachallberg

    Book of Philip

    Aka Gospel of Philip. What are some good verses? What does it mean to, "sow in winter, reap in summer"? Peace and grace through Christ be with you, Love. :)
  18. eachallberg

    Dont read this, or say it out loud!

    Kindness, Kindness, Kindness, Patience, Patience, Patience, Joy, Joy, Joy, Peace, Peace, Peace, Long-suffering, Long-suffering, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Gentleness, Gentleness, Goodness, Goodness, Goodness, Meekness, Meekness, Meekness, Temperance, Temperance, Temperance...
  19. eachallberg

    The devil in the american kitchen.

    Peace and love be to you through are God the Father and Jesus Christ are savior, after watching a documentary called, "Food Inc." I'm being active of what is going on behind the veil that has been put in between us and where are food comes from. We need to be active... I don't watch TV that...
  20. eachallberg

    Lets talk about dualism...

    It's in the bible. It''s a common ground in the Nag Hammadi library. Most importantly it's evident in me. Go ahead, Love.