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  1. S

    Master Tactician

    I see too many threads about divorce and remarriage..what about LOVE? Lisa was and is the master tactician... She KNEW I had someone in another state before I ever did, told me 5 years before she departed to the LORD..lots of other things..looking back and reading back she knew... and also...
  2. S

    Celebrate the Victory

    Wooo.. What, are you gonna deny me freedom of speech?..Oh, that was Hillaries bag..hee hee hee... and such weird signs! They do come up with some funny ones at times. At least this wasn't hate filled madness...:sigh:
  3. S

    Stuff No One Tells You About Marriage

    Ok Really, next time my Rockies wanna show down and flip cat food and their bathtub flipped..complete nonsense....AEGHHYH..ITS LIGHT OUT..GOTTA FEED DOGS .LOVE THE OUTSTANDING..
  4. S

    Stuff No One Tells You About Marriage

    That is ridiculous ..technically if you are married the TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH so in a way it IS his underwear... if he wants to sneak into your underwear so be it,,,it is nature. He could also be trying to check out what you have so he can get you a present of some underwear you don't...
  5. S

    Ivanka Trump at Japanese Prime Minister Meeting Was 'Out of a Tin Pot Oligarchy'

    But the Obama admin and Hillary Babylon Rodham Clinton were close to making war with Russia..NYET!!!! Now before anyone freaks out, technically an American flag was posted on Billboards in Russia and old Soviet eastern EU countries....
  6. S

    Ivanka Trump at Japanese Prime Minister Meeting Was 'Out of a Tin Pot Oligarchy'

    Enough of Ivanka..yak... it's all ya all hear about... I may have voted for him but that doesn't mean I agree on every single thing he says, does, etc... "Just please remember me Dad" ~~~ Tiffany "Diamonds are so shiny Special things I got on me You know what you say Baby, baby don't...
  7. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    That is kind of grasping at other planets beyond our solar system isn't it? One is a life choice, brainwashing, or indoctrination, the other is what you were born with (color of skin/race)..Not even gonna debate the LIE about homosexual born that way, plenty of saved and recovered former 'gays'...
  8. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind...." Oh wait, he didn't say it, God did in Leviticus 18;22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." So y'all know what it took to find that Gods hand photo without some watermark? A Russian website..LOL...
  9. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    I went to college when I was 43 - 44...(not 'community college -> real college) it was fun actually..the graffiti in the mens stalls was perhaps a little 2nd grade art..I fixed that..I may have violated the commandment "thou shalt not steal" a couple times taking professors permanent markers to...
  10. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    I've known Brinny for years...don't you know when God designed the Brinny 5000 BC there was no need for search engines? Brinny IS a computer, she just never upgraded into the 20th & 21st century so just sticks close to the LORD... :P
  11. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    Oh Dear. Merry Christmas.... Hey, that is one baaad looking snowflake man, like a Klingon Ninja star, LOL
  12. S

    Trump defends special snowflake, demands safe space

    Good, there have been enough shootings in theaters..albeit movie theaters... however we must be very careful, actors on stage may have real guns...:astonished: On a weather note: snowflakes have been known to turn into blizzards...:frozen2:
  13. S

    Stuff No One Tells You About Marriage

    I've been guilty of this in the past, especially when she bought those expensive 4 blade deals.. :D Husband and wife SHOULD be safe as far as the blood goes...but you should not use other peoples...No comment on the armpit issue other than you don't like your wifes armpits?..TMI...LOL I...
  14. S

    Looks Like Trump May Have Committed a Major Electoral Felony.

    No venom...sometimes my 'delivery' may be a bit unorthodox but no harm intended. Truth is many had said Hillary would have led to major war...on the other hand while i support Trump the China business issue needs handled with care
  15. S

    I love you!

    Well, we are way beyond "courting" but I LOVE YOU !!!!! She already said YES......
  16. S

    Looks Like Trump May Have Committed a Major Electoral Felony.

    Oh dear another lucky my former best friends daughter was named Chandra..get over it and stop the hate..of course Hillary would do......and escalate and perform... All hail President Putin, I mean the world... within one hour scarlet woman was destroyed....PA...
  17. S

    Hillary hackers...

    Disregard...tis fixed :)
  18. S

    The Utter destruction of Michigan

    It's amazing what the LORD can do...
  19. S

    Trump Free Discussion

    Oh dear LORD, this is so HARRY are going to blow up your auntie, eh?: Run! Find Hermione, Proffessor Dumbledore.. the Twilight people call upon Edward and Bella while Jacob and (Chelsea) Imprint..well wow