Search results

  1. Meredith0414

    It's Friday night... time to get classy...

    Don't have a date tonight? Then stay inside, grab a good book... and follow these instructions on this site... Time to get classy ;) You're welcome.... back to my book and my glass of white wine...
  2. Meredith0414


    Thank you for the blessings, whoever you are! You just made my day! I hope your's is fantastic as well! :D :thumbsup: Exclamation point!
  3. Meredith0414

    Role of the Church. What do you think?

    I've been going to church with my parents the past few month before I moved out to another city. A friend of mine who lives and teaches in our hometown has been coming to church with me as well. While the church does a wonderful job reaching out to unbelievers and people who have fallen, and...
  4. Meredith0414

    Good Morning!

    Hola! My name is Meredith and I'm (obviously) new here. I'm currently in between church homes and bible studies, so in order to get some fellowship I figured I'd try going online. I love talking. A little too much. Which is why I guess I'm going to law school. I only have a few months left until...