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  1. Peter Johnson

    Continually asking for forgiveness

    My Christian friend asks, 'Did not the Lord teach, in the 'Lord's Prayer', to make asking for forgiveness a continuing feature of a believer's relationship with the Lord?' [underlining mine]. I say, 'NO, not at all'.
  2. Peter Johnson

    We all will die -- Can we know when?

    Do those of God's ecclesia/ekklesia, believe God will tell us when we will die, if we ask him? “O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!” | Psalm39:4 I believe I know when I am going to die: the first week in May, 2028, at end of my 73rd year.
  3. Peter Johnson

    'to gathered called-out ones'?

    Context: This thread is prompted by my considering withdrawing from the traditional suburban evangelical church community (of several hundred people) ... but to what? I am asking myself, how can I do that but still remain connected to the ekklesia by not forsake gathering with the faithful. I...
  4. Peter Johnson

    What does EKKLESIA really mean?

    Background: I am struggling with the modern idea and use of the term 'Church', as used by Church leaders, especially in the way they tend to control perceptions about who people are before God and each other, and how people may see themselves as individuals and together. Tension for me arises...