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  1. Jeremiah's Calling

    If you weren't Methodist/Nazarene...

    I see that Nazarene/Methodist or whatever are options in the poll- even though it says if you weren't one of those... And I see that those are not popular responses. That's interesting. Are people saying that if they weren't already such they wouldn't want to be? I see "other" is the most...
  2. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    Hey Nemo Neem, (imho) I think the emphasis in your signature should be on "with fear and trembling." That seems to be missing these days in so many.
  3. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Just one possible way to view things. As I said in that post, that's something that can be discussed endlessly. I try to be painstakingly orthodox in my theology. But I will eagerly thank you for your prayers otherwise.
  4. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Thank you. And do also pray for me about my tendency to be so defensive.
  5. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Warning: don't start anything, there won't be anything. Why is it that "any ol' thing will pass as a Bible"-ists and "anti-KJV-only-"ists make "KJV onlyists" feel so defensive all the time? Talk about rude. Don't start anything, there won't be anything. This isn't a "KJV" debate thread...
  6. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Didn't say you did, did I. Just warning. Nor did I speak error, negating the need for the lecture. Nor was I giving an exhaustive dissertation. I was answering a simple question simply. But thanks anyway. And I apologize for my rudeness but you catch me with sword drawn, fresh from battle. I'm...
  7. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    That is very good advice. Thank you! :) (But, JWs are not recongized as Christians because they reject the deity of Jesus.) :(
  8. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Not to be unChristian but blah, blah, blah. I speak fact. And I speak from experience. Jesus is NOT the one and only son. He is the only begotten. I too am a son. I know Jesus. He knows me. I know who I am and who my Father is. My Father claims me openly and joyously along with Jesus...
  9. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    The reason I listed KJV is this: Jesus is NOT the One and Only Son of God. He is the only begotten Son of God. In Genesis: The sons of God married the daughters of men. In Job: There came a day when the sons of God presented themselves before the Lord. In Luke: the son of Adam, the son of God. I...
  10. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Thank you all for your encouragement - and for the link!
  11. Jeremiah's Calling

    Leaving the UMC - finding it apostate

    Please pray for me as I search for a new church / denomination, one that actually believes the Bible. I am announcing that I am leaving the United Methodist "church" as I find it is becoming apostate. In another thread elsewhere on CF I just completely wreaked havoc on liberal theology. Finding...
  12. Jeremiah's Calling

    Why does God send GOOD Non-believers to Hell

    There's no such thing as GOOD non-believers. "There is none good, no, not one." Besides, non-believers send themselves to hell by being non-believers - against God's explicit command.
  13. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    A-n-y-w-a-y.... back on topic: I ran across this quote: "Theological liberalism is a different religion, a religion of moralism and uplift, whereas, Christianity is about sin and grace." - John Gresham Machen (1881 -1937)
  14. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    No, the church cannot embrace someone who won't repent of sinful behavior. Now, if the believing, repentant person is merely tempted but doesn't act on it or embrace indulging the temptation, that is altogether another matter. Temptation is not a behavior and therefore not a sin in need of...
  15. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    WRONG. No, my Love, no. Christianity emphatically does NOT have something to offer for everyone. This is not some smorgasbord. Christianity only offers forgiveness and eternal life to the repentant. Unrepentant people living in sin have no part whatsoever with the people of God. The only thing...
  16. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    (Cool, links!) There is one and only one correct interpretation of the Bible. There are many applications, but one and only one correct interpretation. Show me a book, and I can only describe to you what I see from my view point. You see another view. Another sees yet a different view. But...
  17. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    Why are so many liberal? Well, from my own experience, I'd guess it's because maybe there's not much preaching on the Biblical requirement Holy Spirit-led repentance. That would be my guess. We do need much more of that preached. But, it's only my guess.
  18. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    Well this conversation has certainly put my mind at some ease and reassured my heart that the UMC, which has been so good to me and for me, hasn't completely tanked. I've been really disillusioned for the last year. I've heard lay leaders say they don't believe the Bible's declaration of...
  19. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    By conservative, I mean, I oppose homosexual behavior, for example, as God forbids it, but am not so uneducated as to call tempation a sin, or to assume a Christian thus tempted but who does not act on it is a weak Christian simply for being tempted. But rather they are strong to resist...
  20. Jeremiah's Calling

    Conservative Methodists

    Stay orthodox in your theology. Contrary to United Methodist teaching, the Bible alone is the source of authority. One bit of advise a college prof once gave me about something else I've applied to my own Bible study: "Never read [the Bible] for what you think it says, want it to say, or have...