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  1. S

    The Office?

    Maybe Jo will bring Holly back to Scranton
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    Is it All Right to Parody Jesus?

    I found the website for that Marty and Doug show and they have a section called testimonials where people can leave comments. I urge everyone to go to that site and let them know that it is not ok to parody Jesus Christ. Maybe if we show them enough pressure we can get that stupid site taken...
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    Commercials That Annoy You

    I also really hate those cheap weight loss commercials where the actors where big pants saying these used to be mine and you can tell from the background that they didn't even really shoot there. Those are awful.
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    Any old childhood favorites you have recently looked for?

    For me it's 'Get Smart'. great show.
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    Highest Tax rates

    And personally I find it extremely lazy and irresponsible to say a millionaire should pay 40% which is way more than everyone else because "he can afford it". What a lazy attitude that is. Legal robbery.
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    Highest Tax rates

    Why not just cut government spending down. There are way too many useless people working for the state that make more money than their private sector counterparts. In New York State there is a School Superintendent named James Hunderfund. he retired and walked away with a $400,000/year pension...
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    Highest Tax rates

    So what you're saying is that someone should pay more than their fair share just because they're richer then everyone else? You do realize that your logic of taxing forty percent of someone's earnings will cause them to take their wealth and move to a place where they won't get robbed by...
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    Negative News out of Iraq

    "Combat is over" Once again obama is patting himself on the back for a job that's not finished just to make himself look better. I can't wait for November 2012
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    It begins....Obama bans gun sales.

    if guns are outlawed then only outlaws will have guns
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    Rush Limbaugh: The man you love to hate

    I don't like Limbaugh or Franken
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    Highest Tax rates

    All this does is create an incentive to not make a lot of money
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    What direction should the USA travel?

    I agree that tarifs need to be in place to level the trading field between us and them. I also think that government has gotten way too big. Government was originally founded to serve the people. Now it's the largest employer in the nation with government employees earning more money than their...
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    G20 Police State - Toronto

    I agree, I think that this unregulated free trade has greatly hurt American society and has ruined the middle class.
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    Are Blair and Bush war criminals?

    Good call. Should we just throw anyone in jail who was part of the faulty intelligence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Does that mean we should lock up most of congress too?
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    Pakistan- A judgment from God?

    If it were judgment from God then the Taliban would have been wiped away from existence.
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    America needs to get off the oil
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    Kim Jong Il is Awesome!

    The sad thing about North Korea is that they have been raised to hate us westerners, especially Americans. To them the Korean war is still be fought. If the North's government were to suddenly and peacefully collapse it would take a couple of generations for their hate of us to go away. There's...
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    Was the doctor right?

    The doctor was a moron
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    Is The Ipad All Hype?

    I really don't see anything special about the Ipad. Seems overrated to me
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    If God was proven real?

    God is too big to be scientifically proven. You need to have a little faith