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  1. C

    Work vs. study.

    It is sad that women face these difficult situations today and mothering is seen as a secondary occupation so often. As long as the children are fed and happy then the almighty dollar should be the last consideration. I understand what it is like to be pulled in many directions at once and...
  2. C

    I feel like my youth pastor hates or dislikes me

    Did you post about this a few months back? You could approach him about this issue and ask him if you have offended him in some way. Is it possible your admiration has been a bit strong in terms of how you've approached him maybe making him back off? Does he keep all females in the church at an...
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    The way I see it you have these options: 1/ look for a new job for more suitable hours to replace the two you have now. 2/ tell the company that keeps giving you an extra day that you are not available additional days and, if they want to change that, they need to permanently employ you the...
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    Lack of respect for women & immodest dress.

    The only person who is responsible for a bad attitude toward women is the holder of that attitude. Women are not to blame because some men objectify them. I wear modest, ankle length but nice dresses and men check me out all the time. They are modest but flattering dresses. Some men will look...
  5. C

    Advice for son sleeping at girlfriends

    He's 23 so it has to be his decision. All you can do is share your views on the matter with him, pray for him and let him make the decision. He may be staying in a seperate room and is there when her mom is away for security. All you can do is take his word for that. There comes a time when our...
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    Married Man & HOOTERS...

    There is no place for a married man at Hooters (or a godly unmarried one).
  7. C

    See you in September.

    What is this movie like from a Christian perspective? Nudity? Language? Sounds like it might be good but I can't find a parental guide with info. Thanks.
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    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    I don't get tempted, my husband doesn't get tempted - hence I can't relate to that particular question. We're content with what we have. IF I were ever in a situation which became tempting I would simply avoid it. As Johnnz says, they are just people and we see them as such. Our values are such...
  9. C

    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    OK - I say 'no, I won't change myself' because, as scripture says, I am busy working out my own salvation and I see nothing wrong with how I dress in light of scripture. If someone is aroused by my being dressed in clothing I would happily wear to church on a Sunday when serving then they have...
  10. C

    Haunted by my wife's sexual past..

    I agree with this. Your feelings are valid and need to be acknowledged and worked through. Yes, you knew about this when you got married but after experiencing sexual relations after your marriage, or for some other reason down the track, things that didn't bother us can come up and need to be...
  11. C

    problem with mother that never donates

    From what you have written it sounds like your mother is very generous in her own way and does give a lot to family members. Maybe if she gave outside the family she could not help family as much as she does? She has set her own priorities for her finances and I have to say that if I had to...
  12. C

    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    I think I can answer that question since evidence suggests I am still somewhat attractive to some people. As a married woman I am polite to men who show me interest but I do not encourage them. I would not change the way I look to avoid such attention as there is nothing about my appearance that...
  13. C

    Offensive and racist rants from children-what do I do?

    You cannot control what their father does but you can offer an alternative point of view for them to reference (even if it does not kick in till they are older) and tell them that such talk is not permitted in your house. That's how I have handled such situations in the past. If someone starts...
  14. C

    Serious Ego Probelm. Need Help

    It is great to love unconditionally and that is what we should do. We should be gracious to others no matter how they treat us. However ... A person needs to be careful, when being generous, that they do not leave themselves open to being used or abused. It is ok to have limits about what you...
  15. C

    She drove him into the arms of another woman...

    I don't think that we can drive someone into the arms of another. That reasoning seems to be me to be about shifting blame for the affair to the person who was cheated on. It is the choice of the person who went to the arms of someone else and their responsibility. That said, I can understand...
  16. C

    I Am So Poor!!!!!

    I'm not really sure what the blessings function is for and if you can use the blessings or whatever. As I type this I have no idea how many blessings I have. I'll look after I've posted. If someone can tell me what the blessings are useful for, I'll start giving them away. I just don't know what...
  17. C

    Will my past interfere with my future?

    It doesn't have to affect your future. We all make mistakes of different kinds. God has forgiven you, now you just need to forgive yourself and start fresh. I do disagree with an earlier poster that your sexual history is not the business of your future husband. It probably applies less to male...
  18. C

    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    I'm not sure why it's not possible to relate to individuals of either gender just as people without the sexual tension? They are just people.
  19. C

    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    No, I certainly don't mean that in a negative way. But loving someone and being 'in love' can be different states or they can go together. Sometimes you can be in love and actions not show love, or dislike someone yet still love them through action. Not sure if that makes it clearer :-) I...
  20. C

    Reconciling coniugal devotion and an open heart

    I don't think it is idealistic. I can recognise that someone is good-looking in the cultural sense (i.e. the people on TV) but that doesn't necessarily make them more attractive. The way my husband explained it is that it's a package thing. The attractiveness is the whole person as well as the...