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  1. J

    What does this passage mean?

    That was the best compilation of proof text that I have seen in defense of the Law, works and obedience. Well done.
  2. J

    What does this passage mean?

    Let's first note that God's Law is not something that was ever against us. On the contrary it is holy, just and good. God's law has always being a blessing to mankind Romans 7:12 Christ did take out of the way something that was nailed to His cross-that something was the record of our sins-our...
  3. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Jesus and most Biblical writers compare death to sleep. 1 Thess 4:13-17 is one example. 1 Cor 15 Job 14:12 The idea that we go to heaven at death originated in pagan religion, not the Bible. The idea we possess immortality now also.
  4. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Well Jesus says we do not ascend to heaven-John 3:13 The Kingdom of heaven reference is mentioned over and over again but there is no direct statement that we go to heaven when we die. Otherwise it would contradict Jesus declaration that nobody is in heaven. And other scripture shows we, who are...
  5. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    The book of Revelation records a series of visions which God gave to the apostle John about 60 years after Jesus's resurrection. It is a prophecy of what must come to pass in the future-Rev 1:1-3 It is highly symbolic and describes the culmination of future world events. In the 1st resurrection...
  6. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Prophetic events in Revelation have not occurred yet and were only visions shown to John by Christ. There is no mention of heaven when Paul talks about departing this physical life in any of the verses you mention. Paul preached a resurrection of all the saints at once in Christ at the last...
  7. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Enoch and Elijah were not in Heaven. Jesus said so. Elijah was taken up into the 1st heaven of this earth's atmosphere to a safe place. Elijah sent a letter to Elisha years after He went missing- 2 Chronicles 21:12 Enoch also was taken to a safe place where he could not be found because people...
  8. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Christ is in heaven on God's throne. We, His church, are His body on earth.
  9. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    when Jesus says no one has ever come to heaven after dying it means body or soul, since only a spirit could exist in the heavenly realm, then His statement is all inclusive. Jesus in John 11:11-14 described Lazarus as sleeping but at the same time He described Lazarus as dead.Lazarus had not...
  10. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Sorry, my error. You will have to " click to expand " to read my response to the above
  11. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Jewish writings are not inspired writings as is Bible scripture. When we look at Luke 16 and the parable of Lazarus and the rich man we see this account in light of other scriptures it becomes apparent that this is just an allegory, never intended to be understood literally. Jesus uses these...
  12. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    John 14 is an assurance from Christ to His disciples that they would have a place with Him. But nowhere does the Bible refer to heaven as " My Father's house ". However , Jesus called the temple " My Father's house " in John 2: 16. " Mansions " translates from a word that means dwelling places...
  13. J

    Worship and it's equal to prayer

    The concept of worship is usually connected with public service of prayers and hymns. Yet this is only a partial picture of true worship. God seeks only those who will worship Him " in spirit and in truth " - John 4:23-24 The apostle Paul equated his worship of God with " believing all things...
  14. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    We have to look at the overall theme of the entire Bible-the Big picture- and that theme pictures God bringing heaven to earth and setting up His Kingdom down here with us. He informed us no man or woman has been raised up to heaven. There are 3 heavens mentioned in the Bible-the 1st heaven-our...
  15. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    This intrigued me a little. but as you check into it more you will recall Jesus said He would be 3 days and 3 nights dead in the grave. Jesus Himself did not go to paradise that very day He died. When Jesus rose from the dead after three days He met Mary and said " touch me not, for I have not...
  16. J

    Do Christians go to Heaven when they die?

    Going to heaven after death is a belief for the majority of Christians. But according to the Bible Jesus never promised heaven as the reward for the saved. Where in scripture does Jesus say in plain, clear language, we go to heaven when people pass away?
  17. J

    I heard Jesus is coming soon

    There is one source that really knows what is going to happen at the endtime. One fourth of the entire Bible is prophecy and that ninety percent of all prophecy is for the endtime. Jesus's return is going to be the biggest event that will shake the entire world. Jesus' second coming is not going...
  18. J

    Colossians 2:15

    One part of this I have issue with is that God does require obedience. God does set certain conditions in order to receive the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Repentance and baptism-Acts 2:38 Scripture itself makes it very clear that God's Spirit is only given on the condition that we start obeying...
  19. J

    Colossians 2:15

    I understand it to be a victory over the evil spirits of this world for Christ as he triumphs by His sacrifice on the cross for all to see assuring redemption is completed on our behalf. Interpreted from the KJV.