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  1. T

    Messianic Judaism?

    It seems like the rules here are like a protestant sub-group where the protestants have to be in subjection to RCC teachings. We are MJ's. Are our beliefs only considered to be valid if it lines up with "the church<----ambiguous"? That seems to be the attitude with many of the posters that come...
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    Messianic Judaism?

    There should be a distinction between hating christians and absolulely not wanting to associate with said doctrines of said "church". As a MJ, I have shored up many of the christian faith while I was on the road. They wanted to hear what I said, because I made it come alive to them. I didn't...
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    Are Jews currently celebrating 2013?

    I spent last night cuddled up with my wife on my left and one of my Kittys on my right. They both had me hedged in where I couldn't move. I just put my hands on both and was glad that I had them. Temptinfates
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    I don't make resolutions based on the new year. I make daily resolutions to continue my walk. Halleluyah. It's a good day! Temptinfates
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    Fiscal Cliff

    As a stock trader, as in that is how I support my family, I find so many statements in this thread ridiculous. Blaming one political party for people being "poor" is a joke. The problems of this country are not going to be solved by a vote--those days are gone. to blame a political party for...
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    Is pre-trib rapture 'theory' anti-Semitic?

    I do not think there is a "pre-trib rapture". I think it is a fable to fool many and to give people a false hope that they will be taken out of the world and not have to endure hardsip in their lives. But, let's just say it were real for some thought. If "the rapture" were to occur, what...
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    Jews not for Jesus

    I did i n fact visit that sight as well as others. It is from some of those sights that I got to view some ideas that are important to maintain Jewish culture. I have had many conversations with many people. I suppose there may have been some of them that were Jewish--that I may not even know...
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    Messianic Judaism?

    I have a small issue with that, Yedida. I would never think of you as "just" a woman. I hope you think more of yourself than "just" anything-----although, I hope you strive to be Just. As a fellow joint-heir in the world to come, I will be happy to have known you and read many of your posts...
  9. T

    Messianic Judaism?

    I suppose you are trying to prove that a Catholic idea of praying to passed on Saints is something Messianic Jews should accept. I for one, do not and will not accept it. I don't care if "some jews" might have practiced such a thing. Were they believers? did they know Yeshua? I don't see Yeshua...
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    Messianic Judaism?

    I do not have the belief that Adonai hears my prayers. He has let me know that he has done so. I don't hope that he hears. I know. When he let's one know this, then there is absolutely no doubt about it. It is not just mere circumstances that provide the idea of my prayers being answered. This...
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    what defines a "Jew"

    Christianity Today Gleanings: Messianic Jews Win Citizenship Victory in Israel These Messianic Jews won acceptance as Jews and the right of return. Not exactly sure of the dates, but these Messianic Jews were being denied at first due to believing...
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    Repatriation is imminent

    Rats!! Seems I am too late. Oh well. I'll have to wait till you post again to get a dose of your humor and insights. Be safe until then. Temptinfates
  13. T

    Messianic Judaism?

    Hey, Easy. I cannot really justify it one way or the other. I suppose I will take a pass on it and just agree to disagree. Number one, you must accept that who the RCC claims to be a Saint is a Saint. I do not accept their declaration of who a saint is as a fact. There is only one that...
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    Jews not for Jesus

    I agree with you Qnts. Just wanting you to know why I posted as I did. I don't single out Jews to "witness" to. I don't single anyone out. I live my life, and anyone that asks me, or if it comes up, then I give them an answer. It is not what Adonai's plans for me are at this time...
  15. T

    Messianic Judaism?

    Yeshua talking to Moses or Elijah is not the same, either. He wasn't praying to them--neither was he asking them to influence the Father. Yeshua or Adonai allowing them to appear is a whole different concept than praying to dead saints to influence Adonai. I am going to ponder on the Rev...
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    Jews not for Jesus

    The OP asked:Are there common defences that they use against Jesus being the Messiah. I never asked them to debate or to believe it. I only suggested it as a means of finding out some of those "defences". I consider it worthwhile to be prepared than to look un-prepared. Many years ago I...
  17. T

    Messianic Judaism?

    It is different. Asking the living is indeed different than asking the dead. Asking others to pray in unison TO Adonai is not the same as praying to the dead hoping they will inflence Adonai. The living have Faith that is what Adonai requires. Only the living can have faith...
  18. T

    Jews not for Jesus

    Why not visit an anti-missionary site to see what you are up against? I have done this on occaision to "see what the other side thinks". If you know what you are up against, and things that may be brought up, it may prepare you for debates you may have to contend with. Not all Jews are the same...
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    Messianic Judaism?

    Asking or participation of live people is not the same as asking dead to influence one's prayers. Prayers of live people requires FAITH. The dead cannot produce Faith. The dead if it be damned or saints SEE and KNOW the world they have moved on with. It is better to not see. Without Faith it is...
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    Messianic Judaism?

    My mother was one that believed in speaking with such spirits--perhaps not saints. She called it channeling. Either way, she did not focus her life on seeking Adonai or his ways. I did get to know what she was into, although I knew within myself that she was on a bad road. The sadness is...