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  1. skywatcher365

    "You just don't get it."

    I've heard of visions where Jesus tells someone something. Here's an example of what Jesus told someone "You, don't understand my abundance!" Just so you know, I get the feeling when Jesus, and God would speak to you as Jesus, I get the feeling that Jesus is EXTREMELY DIRECT and TO THE POINT...
  2. skywatcher365

    are you a doppelganger?

    ??? I knew what you were talking about, fully well. But I was under the assumption that the topic had deviated to a discussion on the theory of doppleganger, basically figuring out what this means in all its fullness, spiritually and otherwise, instead of just the original topic, as that was...
  3. skywatcher365

    are you a doppelganger?

    That said, I just might create a new account and delete this one... but truth be told, I wouldn't have two accounts for more than the fifteen minutes needed to make sure the transition went smoothly, and I would be sure to notify you all if and when this happened. Also, you would know what...
  4. skywatcher365

    are you a doppelganger?

    I actually have two usernames, I just never use them on the same site. Funny how it works, because the first one I picked I like better, and the next one a former friend picked for me... basically I went along with it to "fit in"... I say former friend because he did this sort of thing all the...
  5. skywatcher365

    Earthquake prediction 12/30 - 1/9/2010

    Yesterday or the day before, I walked into the room to find the local news talking about the fourth recent 2.0 - 3.0 earthquake in a cluster in the West Virginia mountains. Got me to wondering if a larger one is coming there... it wouldn't take much to be devastating in this area, with all the...
  6. skywatcher365

    are you a doppelganger?

    On an off note... the original doppleganger term meant that whoever saw theirs would likely soon die... a walking dead man. Brings to mind the thought of these people being lost... hmm.
  7. skywatcher365

    Rushing Water

    Greece recently came close to defaulting as a nation... the IMF funded most of the debt... the US funds most of the IMF... so, the flow of money to Greece from the IMF mostly came from the USA (which is modern day Rome).
  8. skywatcher365

    are you a doppelganger?

    I'm not one of those in the sense you are describing... I may accidentally wind up that way if I forget my password and username for someplace online, its been known to happen, but typically the previous account gets lost for all time. I don't think I've ever done that, though the thought has...
  9. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    I think if you spend your life getting harassed and bullied by everyone around you, including your closest friends and family, this sort of result will happen.
  10. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    Sorry about the rant... I guess what I was trying to say is, it doesn't help that my path isn't exactly clear right now... I seem to be mixed up on what my self ID is in terms of career too, not at all helpful.
  11. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    Pretty much yes. I have a serious problem with the physical being that I am. I have a hard time describing who I am, what I look like, because I try to put it out of mind, because I don't like it. It doesn't help that my path isn't exactly clear right now (it would be far more clear if it...
  12. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    Yeah, my birthday was this week...
  13. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    I have no clue "why the eighties", other than I was born within a few weeks of the exact middle of the decade, and most people I've grown close to were born in 1985 or 1984 too. What do I look like. Very hard question. I'm very bad at describing people, almost as a trait. Worse at...
  14. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    They rotated into view through the mirror, and then when they rotated out of view, another mirror to the right or left of them came into focus and did the same thing. The one with three did all three at the same time.
  15. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    Things I know already or suspect... I know that the car dream was about the car loan problem. Loans are a big issue with the coming judgement anyway. Why get anymore involved with that than I already am (I have some student loans). I'm trying to pay off my student loans (reminds me, need to...
  16. skywatcher365

    Dreams I had a month ago

    On March 27, or thereabouts (had to look this up in an email), I had some dreams over a couple of nights that were answers to prayers the previous day about my direction in life, and what to do with my life. I've come a great distance since then, and a lot of it makes sense as in its happened...
  17. skywatcher365


    Please, please please don't tell me the stone looked anything like a grave stone. Please don't tell me. Please don't tell me. Oh please. Mummified baby corpse missing from NH grave site - Yahoo! News Because we've already removed it if it was.
  18. skywatcher365

    The Vortex Of Time/Traveling Through Dimensions

    Some things I had forgotten... several times I've seen my pet cat at two places at once. No, I don't own two cats, and I literally looked from one place to the other very quickly (the fact that it just happened is what made me think of this, I saw her walking in the hallway, and looked and she...
  19. skywatcher365


    Seems a lot like the current political situation. Elephants are a symbol of the GOP. The building being built seems to me to be what the GOP is building for, an election win this fall. The men helping them are the people of the United States. The stones are the test, a national test from...