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  1. Keachian

    God in his Wisdom wrote on the fleshy tablets of the hearts of Gentiles

    Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? For if there was glory in the ministry of...
  2. Keachian

    striving for catholicity as opposed to eclecticism in our theology

    Something I've been toying around with in regards to talking through and understanding both my own position and the position of those around me is catholicity that is the ability to fairly and accurately represent the theology of all, the obvious problem with this is that too often the quest is...
  3. Keachian

    and Dispensationalism again

    I have pointed out before, the LXX uses the Greek word ἐκκλησία normally translated as church in the New Testament to describe the assembly of Israel (1 Kings 8:14 for instance) this makes the separation between the "two" peoples of God even more...
  4. Keachian

    Why did the Apostles evangelise among the Jews?

    Ultimately this is another place where Dispensationalism falls apart, the Apostles preached to the Jews, why do this when the Jews were going to gain the millenium Kingdom?
  5. Keachian

    I'm on a quest to be the most Baptist Baptist of C21 AMA

    This seems like fun
  6. Keachian

    The Political and Pastoral agenda of Luke in writing Luke-Acts

    This is most definitely one of the other reasons that Dispensationalism just makes no sense to me, it is quite easy to me to see that Luke's purpose in writing these two volumes is to assure the Gentile community that they have joined not only a stream within an accepted religion of the Empire...
  7. Keachian

    Best of the Best

    While I know where to find the best arguments for the position I hold (Hoekema, Riddlebarger, etc) I think I may only be scratching the surface with Dispensationalists, would Ryrie, and Pentecost be two of the top names?
  8. Keachian

    Good Friday

    I'm about to go to Church for Good Friday service, have a sermon from Melito of Sardis; And so he was lifted up upon a tree and an inscription was attached indicating who was being killed. Who was it? It is a grievous thing to tell, but a most fearful thing to refrain from telling. But listen...
  9. Keachian

    Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

    The title is a basic creedal statement that all Nicene Christianity can happily affirm, amillenialism is Nicene, dispensationalism is Nicene, however there are many Dispensationalists deny that amillenialists can affirm this creed, why?
  10. Keachian

    God's self-consistency

    In my mind there are two main ways that God can be self-consistent (that is consistent with himself) in regards to creation, I first postulated this in my last thread on Providence. The two positions are roughly analogous to Evolutionary Creationism and Non-evolutionary Creationism. I want to...
  11. Keachian

    Immanuel; the Missional heart of God and the unifying theology of Scripture

    As I study further and further into the Scriptures what they mean and the context in which they were formed I keep running into the motif of God dwelling with his people, from the Garden to the promise to Abraham there is this theme that God is immanent and desirous of covenant with us. From the...
  12. Keachian


    The SDA will often say that the Sabbath remains binding on the people of God as it is a way for us to follow in God's steps as he took rest on the Sabbath, however the Writer of Hebrews in his first discussion on perseverance and encouragement (set in among his discussion on Christ's office of...
  13. Keachian

    Sabbatarianism and the 1689 Confession: Were the Particular Baptists wrong?

    So as to not derail my Confessional thread, this will be a thread to talk about the nature of the Christian Sabbath as it is derived from Scripture and espoused in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. From the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ this was the last day of the...
  14. Keachian

    Why I have a Confession of Faith I subscribe to

    To put it simply I subscribe to the 1689 Baptist Confession and the Great Creeds of the Faith because I stand in continuity with the Church, it is not my desire to be a lone wolf Christian (been there done that got the T-shirt) so I have this subordinate standard.
  15. Keachian

    The Immanence of God in his Providence

    Let's try this again, I believe that the main problem between special creaionists and evolutionary creationists is not how they view God's initial act of creation but how they view his continued interaction with creation. As this is a generalisation there are going to be people from both sides...
  16. Keachian

    1689 Federalism vs. Dispensationalism

    1689 Federalism compared to Dispensationalism - YouTube Why have Baptists gone after the eisegesis of Dispensationalism proposed by Darby?
  17. Keachian

    Israel and the Church distinct? Convince me

    This whole idea in my mind goes against Scripture, but this is your defining doctrine, so convince me that Christ the Israelite's Body is not Israel.
  18. Keachian

    Editio Critica Maior

    So with the release of the NA28 a few years ago following the Catholic Epistles volume of the Editio Critica Maior (Well technically it's two volumes Novum Testamentum Graecum Editio Critica Maior, Band IV - I finally took to looking at how the textual apparatus differed...
  19. Keachian

    The Solas

    I'm saddened by an increase in threads from Catholic posters that don't seek to represent the Solas in the context from which they came. If Catholics want protestants to represent their theology correctly then shouldn't they seek to do the same? Considering this I feel it necessary to define the...
  20. Keachian

    Theology and Beauty

    While there is much to be said in the embrace of religion and faith in the commonality (after all the New Testament was written in marketplace Greek) I think just as equally we can be blessed by the uplifting of theology through beauty, Psalm 8 strikes me of this idea. And on a somewhat...