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  1. M

    sinners, backsliders & unanswered salvation prayers

    I'm a backsliding Christian. When I first came to the Lord I felt free from the Law for the first time in my life. I knew nothing about Christianity except that Jesus died for my sins. I was confused about it and I was 100% honest with God about my feelings for the first time ever, & from there...
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    My Spiritual Growth Decayed cause I Don't Study the Word.. Help

    I'm a backslider trying to get back on the right path with God. When I was in the Lord, I didn't study my Bible very often which I believe is a major part of why my Spiritual Walk decayed so quickly. It's not that I didn't want to study the Word, as a matter of fact all I wanted to do was...
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    Why Won't God Take Me Back?

    My Situation is this.. My Legalistic View started shortly after coming to the Lord. I was a smoker trying to quit when someone approached me & told me that the Holy Spirit can't dwell in a body polluted with evil (referring to my nicotine addiction).. When he said that something in my brain...
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    Why Won't God Take Me Back?

    Long Story Short... I'm a backslider & have been one for over a month now and I really miss God. I've come to Him what seems like 100 times in honest confession, truly willing to let Him take over, only to go back to what I was doing, walking after desires of the flesh. I hate it, I tell God I...
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    Why Won't God Take Me Back?

    Long Story Short... I'm a backslider & have been one for over a month now and I really miss God. I've come to Him what seems like 100 times in honest confession, truly willing to let Him take over, only to go back to what I was doing, walking after desires of the flesh. I hate it, I tell God...
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    Made in God's IMAGE & LIKENESS??

    What does it mean to be made in God's IMAGE? What does it mean to be made in God's LIKENESS? What's the difference?
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    looking for ideas

    I want to get on Blogger to start blogging about faith (Christian faith of course), but TRUE faith. Not false teachings & preachings, not personal interpretations of the Bible.. I want to blog about TRUTH & I want it to appeal to a diverse audience.. I want it to inspire & encourage Christians...
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    I received Christ but I can't quit smoking

    I received Christ early last month.. One thing I knew I needed to do was quit smoking.. Through prayer, faith & the Spirit I was able to cut down from half a pack a day to less than 2 cigarette a day almost instantly.. So I knew God was helping me.. But lately I confess I've lost progress &...
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    God wrote my love story

    I was born on October 1, 1989. I was raised by my mother, my grandmother & my grandfather.. Growing up in my grandparents home was a direct & major influence on my faith.. My grandparents took me to Church every Sunday & when we weren't in Church, my grandmother always had something to say about...
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    Age of accountibility

    You can only be held accountable for your sins when you're capable of knowing/understanding right from wrong because our Lord is a FAIR judge.. Personally I don't believe that the age of accountibility is a specific age, I think it has more to do with an individuals mental capacity.. I believe...
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    I have a question about marriage & divorce

    The Bible says that if a woman get's a divorce & remarries before her ex husband dies, she sins making her an adulterous & any man who marries the adulterous becomes an adulterer.. But what about the other way around? Can a woman marry a divorced man?
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    Christian List of DO's & DONT's

    But also... DO say "God promises........." but DON'T forget to say "to His children"
  13. M

    Christian List of DO's & DONT's

    DO believe that God is real DON'T think that means you know Him DO believe in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Lord & Savior DON'T think that makes you Christian DO seek His forgiveness DON'T think saying "I'm sorry" makes you forgiven DO believe that the Bible is perfect word of God...
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    I cannot explain why we need the Holy Spirit, but I know why we do..

    If salvation is so simple, why is it so hard to explain? I received Christ as my Savior one year ago (Last February) but I was foolish & shortly after receiving Him, I got wrapped up in my own desires & concerns & I fell back into my old ways.. I knew I was wrong so I came back to Him in July...
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    I want to become Christian, help?

    :clap: I am so happy to hear that you wanna know God.. I promise you won't be dissappointed by Him. If you don't know where to start, start with the Gospel.. God already loves you, He loved you before He created you.. And in the Bible He says that if you seek Him with your heart (meaning if...
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    So Many Questions! Please Help!

    I understand your pain, as a Christian nothing breaks my heart more than the thought of every unsaved soul I love perishing. But when I hurt, I know that I'm feeling what God feels & I feel closer to Him when I hurt because I know that He knows my pain cause He loves the same people I do.. But...
  17. M

    How do you interpret this Scripture?

    Since I received Christ, one of my biggest desires is to gain wisdom & understanding, so I wanna share with you something that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me... You never EVER try to interpret the Word of God by your own attempts. If you have trouble understanding the Word, if you have...
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    Is God too weak to Save the "Non Elect"?

    [Staff Edit] The Bible in its condition was, is, and will remain to be the PERFECT WORD OF GOD THE LORD IS TRUTH, HE IS PERFECT AND KNOWS EVERYTHING.. Truth can only be found in Him and can only be revealed BY HIM.. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart & LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN...
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    HELP!!!...should I believe THIS prophecy?!

    This is what God says... "If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." -Deuteronomy 18:22 In my first reply I recommended that you test the...