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  1. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    Paul's letter to the Galatians begs otherwise. Paul told these people who had already received the spirit by faith, that if they exchange their freedom based on loving others for the Works of the Torah they: Will fall from grace, Be cutoff from Jesus, Jesus will no longer be of any benefit to...
  2. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    Call "feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless" whatever you wish, and the passage still means what it says. And the word is dikaioi which the Koine Greek papyri shows meant: Those who treat others justly, equitably, and fairly. The 'righteous' is too broad a term...
  3. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sheltering the homeless are all acts of altruism, are they not? And gar really is a "marker of cause or reason:" γάρ (Hom.+) conj. used to express cause, clarification, or inference. Never comes first in its clause; usu. second, but...
  4. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    One of the major teachings of Jesus was: The only way to love God is by loving others. Whoever loves others is loving God. When Jesus talked about the two love commands: He didn't contradict his teaching that the Golden Rule is the entire Law (Mt. 7:12). He didn't contradict his teaching...
  5. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    So you interpret Ephesians 2:8-10 in a way that contradicts Romans 2. Okay.
  6. M

    Churches begin leaving PCUSA

    I'm referring to his commentary on Matthew (Matthew 7:12 to be exact). And yes, just as Calvin rejects a face value reading of Jesus' Golden Rule, he rejects a face value reading of Paul's teaching in Romans 13:8-9 which matches the Golden Rule, and he rejects a face value reading of the...
  7. M

    Can you lose your salvation?

    Paul used Gentiles who instinctively keep the purpose of the Law as his example of those who fulfill the Law and are vindicated before God. You are saying the opposite of what Paul wrote. I'm going to trust him. It’s not the listeners of the Law who are vindicated before God, rather the doers...
  8. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    The problem with the dispensational idea is the Paul wrote the Christians in Rome the very same thing. He warned them that they would be judged by the benevolence of their deeds. But in accordance with your stubborn attitude, you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day when God’s wrath and...
  9. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    You are seeing things that aren't there. All the text says is that the kingdom is held since the foundation of the world for those who feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and clothe the naked. Adding anything above and beyond that is to insert your own theology into the text.
  10. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    You are adding to the text to suit your doctrine. I'm not.
  11. M

    Churches begin leaving PCUSA

    Martin Luther (Father of the Protestant Reformation) for one. He claimed that John was the only true Gospel. He couldn't reconcile salvation by faith with Jesus' teachings in Matthew. John Calvin took another approach. When Jesus said that treating others the same way you want to be treated...
  12. M

    Science and Christianity

    I'll say it one last time, with one sample uniformity is an assumption, with two samples you can calculate the odds that uniformity did indeed happen, and with each successive sample you reduce the odds to the point where it's ridiculous to ignore the result. You are fixated on a concept. I...
  13. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    I've read it many times. Did you notice the word because (Greek: gar):But when the Son of Man comes in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his majestic throne. All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them from one another just as the shepherd...
  14. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    On one side are those who fed the hungry, clothed the naked, and sheltered the homeless. On the other side are those who didn't.
  15. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    I've read the Bible, and once had memorized entire books of the Bible word for word as a teenager. I still study the Bible for at least two hours per day. Me thinks you presume too much. I'm not glossing over anything. But I'm definitely not going to throw out the salvation by love passages...
  16. M

    Science and Christianity

    One more time, those are only assumptions if we have only one calculation. If 30 calculations all agree, then those are no longer assumptions. Please see one of my previous posts above that explains this in detail. Your three points are outdated. Before the Rubidium/Strontium technique, your...
  17. M

    Loving Others Not Enough?

    Thanks for the post. Many of my favorite passages are from 1 John. Everyone who loves others is born of God: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God - 1 John 4:7 Love of others is what assures us we have passed from death to life: We know...
  18. M

    Churches begin leaving PCUSA

    The nice thing is that the BDAG has updated so many of the words, and many Christian scholars look up to the BDAG. I expect them to test everything in the translation, and I want them to! Also, the translation doesn't end up with some bizarre result, other than perfectly harmonizing Paul with...
  19. M

    Can you lose your salvation?

    For the third and final time, Paul wrote about Gentiles who do that in Romans 2. If referencing Paul three times isn't good enough for you, then that's too bad, because it's the best I got (and it's best anyone could have anyway).