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  1. Fixation On God

    John 3:16

    "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have eternal life." If Limited Atonement is true, then why in Scripture does it state "Whosoever"?
  2. Fixation On God

    Catholics on, Interpreting the Bible

    Hi, I decided to make this because of the following post, I chose to make it anonymous due to privacy for the poster: This is no bull, he really posted that, I made no changes to his post. So my question is, . Because each church claims that different things are in the Bible. Luther and...
  3. Fixation On God

    When did the Church Commit Apostasy?

    Clearly, there are quite a few people here who disagree that the Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ. That's fine; if we all agreed, this board would serve no purpose other than to have 'me too' posts all day long, and that would be boring. Now, clearly Christ founded ONE Church...
  4. Fixation On God

    Catholic Theology vs. Non-Catholic Theology

    You read the title right. It is the (oh I don't know), "Millionth" "They V. Us!" Thread. I want Catholics to speak their mind already and get all the confusion over with. I, and others, get tired of this catabolistic attitude, the only thing it's done has brought confusion over the whole...
  5. Fixation On God

    Question: What is a CHARISMATIC?

    What I would like to know is what defines a Charismatic today. I am neither Charismatic/Neocharismatic nor Pentecostal so I have no clue. Thoughts?
  6. Fixation On God

    Question: What is a CHARISMATIC?

    What I would like to know is what defines a Charismatic today. I am neither Charismatic/Neocharismatic nor Pentecostal so I have no clue. Thoughts?
  7. Fixation On God

    Post Music

    I was inspired by Sportsjunkie to make a thread involving sharing your favorite music! Just post your music here and rate the persons above you from 1 to 5. 1 lowest 5 highest It can be whatever kind of music (Christian, rock, country, metal, R&B etc.) I go first :thumbsup: YouTube -...
  8. Fixation On God

    Biblical Advice (Being stable in unstable times)

    On a large scale basis, the world has seen an extended time of relative peace and prosperity. Of course, there are still many conflicts and many areas where believers are killed for their faith. The world as a whole has not been at war since World War II. This is almost seventy years of relative...
  9. Fixation On God


    Im late on my intro, but since I've been here its been good, everyone has been good to me. I've met alot of wise people who help me understand some things that I get confused on. I got quite a few friends who know their bible well. I'm glad to help and be helped (I seem to get helped more than...
  10. Fixation On God


    Baptism In Water The ordinance of baptism by immersion in water (not sprinkling) is commanded in Scriptures (Mark 16:16). All who repent and believe on Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord are to be so baptized. This act of baptism symbolically declares to everyone, that the old sinful life...
  11. Fixation On God

    What would you say...

    I was pondering over lyrics from a song called "Always" sung by Building 429, it went like this - "Her face was torn and her eyes were filled And then to my surprise She pulled out a photograph And my heart just stopped inside She said, He would have been three today I miss his smile, I miss his...
  12. Fixation On God

    Sermon help.

    :preach:Now I don't know about any of you being preachers and all, but my cornhusking pastor wants me to preach a sermon tied around (Romans 3:23). Now I don't know why he asked me to do it (could be a stepping stone God put in front of me) because I work in the Healing division of our church...
  13. Fixation On God

    God Knows Our Pain

    "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4) We all suffer grief. Sometimes it's the excruciating pain of losing someone we are very close to, whether through death or a move or just a loss of the relationship. Sometimes it's a change in a relationship. It might be...
  14. Fixation On God

    Help Me!

    A friend of mine is about to get an abortion...what do I do? (she is my bestfriend.)
  15. Fixation On God

    Confused on a term....

    I'm a little confused on the Term "Godhead". I think it has to do with the "Holy Trinity" but I'm not sure... A friend of mine consulted me with these scriptures which he said related to "Godhead" : "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and...
  16. Fixation On God

    small question

    Just wanted to know what Blessings are for, cause I got no clue.:doh:
  17. Fixation On God

    Throw some Scripture my way please

    Hi, I'm a newbie and I suck at bible study so I was wondering if ya'll would be so kind as to throw Scripture my way for the following subjects =P Sowing Reaping Religion and if we're supposed to call anyone on earth Father Thanks for all your input