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  1. S

    How are men justified?

    It appears to me that debates about creation typically center around the first few chapters of Genesis. For that reason, it may not seem to be a very important debate. But I am concerned that the debate has more far-reaching implications than that. The question spans the entirety of scripture...
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    Observation, Mediation, Speculation

    Consider the following scriptures: Deuteronomy 19:5 Matthew 18:6 John 5:30-47 These passages are about witnesses of crimes, and witnesses that Jesus is who he says he is. There seems to be a clear indication in scripture that we find repeatedly, that two or three (presumably credible) witnesses...
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    Health Insurance, amidst Infanticide

    Over a year ago, I remember hearing on the news several stories on the radio, and reading about them online, about states like Virginia, New York and Illinois passing laws permitting new and more horrifying levels of infanticide. For instance, in Illinois assault and battery law (see footnotes)...
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    Do you think charities should worry about professionalism, or just meet the bare minimum. In a normal business, you want to go above and beyond, but I'd think in a charity, where clients really only need the bare minimum, going above and beyond is wasteful. Why take one hungry person to fine...
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    Do you think charities should worry about professionalism, or just meet the bare minimum. In a normal business, you want to go above and beyond, but I'd think in a charity, where clients really only need the bare minimum, going above and beyond is wasteful. Why take one hungry person to fine...
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    the phrase 'Jesus is enough' and my dissatisfaction

    'is Jesus enough?' is a question I thought I knew the answer to for a long time. over the past couple years (or maybe over my whole life) I've learned that very few things in this world are sustainably satisfying. i've always had plenty of money, plenty of shelter, plenty of food/water/air and...
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    Any Engineering jobs you've found satisfying?

    Hey 30+ crowd! I'm 21 and about to graduate college with a mechanical engineering degree. Are there any of you who have worked in mechanical engineering or a similar field for awhile, and really love your job? If so, what kind of job is it? I'm looking for some way to serve God with my life and...
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    Do people still think Christ intended legalism?

    A woman at work the other day was telling me how her grandma told her she was going to hell for getting a divorce. Another coworker responded about how religions are so silly. He said something like 'you don't have to explain to me how Christianity works', implying that he knows what he's...
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    Impact of Premarital Sex on Later Divorce

    I'm wondering if there have been any purely secular studies on the impact of premarital sex on divorce. I have seen several articles sorta hinting at a possible connection, but it's hard to find real fact-based studies via Google. What I don't want to know: anything about STDs. anything...
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    Progress throughout history.

    couldn't quite decide where to put this thread, since it relates to technology, business, economics, and history, but i put it here. also, i probly won't be able to get back to it as i'm leaving for the summer tomorrow, so this is purely for y'alls enjoyment. anywho: the automobile was very...
  11. S

    How do we know right from wrong?

    probly a very over-used question, but i wanna get a feel for what Christians think. this is not asking what should be the standard of ethics, but what it is for the person responding. how do you decide right from wrong?
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    there are three main reasons we disagree in arguments: 1.) we see our opponent's argument as invalid (i.e. not self-consistent) 2.) we claim that his argument is valid, but unsound (i.e. there's a false premise) 3.) his argument begs the question (i.e. circular logic) this thread takes a look...
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    Hindus, I got a question for ya

    heya folks, let me start by saying i have a lot of friends who practice Hindu and I respect your religion/culture. thus I have decided to try to look into it with an unbiased, open mind. I read about half the Bhagavad Gita so far (or a translation at least), and I agree 100% with it on the...
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    Faith Building

    What are some good ways to build faith?
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    The Uncertainty Prinicple

    How do we know that quantum mechanics display non-deterministic randomness? Is it really simply because it's impossible to measure? That seems silly. Inability for humans to predict something doesn't mean there's no cause for it. Although leave it to physicists to make a 90-year mistake simply...
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    Ontology of the Self

    yes, it had to come up at some point... everyone seems so concerned about 'does God exist' in this part of the forum. even threads that are not geared toward that topic end up there. let's change the subject of that question for a sec, since this is after all the philosophy forum, not the...
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    Romans Ch.9 - 11. Trying to understand.

    I have never understood this part of Romans before, but I was reading and praying for understanding, and a few ideas hit me. Maybe wrong, maybe right, maybe mixed... tell me what you guys think about the answers I came up with to some common "wrath of God" questions: Why does God bring wrath on...
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    Nihilism for dummies

    Hey all you Nihilists. I was wondering if one of you could explain your belief for me in a nutshell.