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  1. B

    Why does my sister hate me? Prayers for our relationship

    I'd like to add another prayer to the list, on this topic, with the advice taken from this thread, and someone else, I feel that I should have a conversation with her, to talk open heart, and honest, and simply ask her if there is anything I've done to hurt her, to see if there is any...
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    Should there structured prayer time in school? {moved from prayer requests]

    I don't see why its such a problem personally. Schools don't have to call it prayer time. They could set aside a short period for "quiet time" and then any religion can pray however they want to. Though, I believe you don't really need a quiet time or moment to pray anyway, I believe you can...
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    Are there any "never married" in the group?

    31, Never Married, haven't even had a real date. Its hard a lot, I really do want some companionship, not necessarily kids and marriage, but even just someone to share things with, do things with etc... would be nice.
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    Prayers for tonite

    Amen I also pray for tonight, and the temptations that a night of celebration like tonight can bring.
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    New Blessings

    Excellent prayer, I pray the same for my family, that we all come closer to him, and through that come close to each other, and I pray for the strength to overcome sin in our lives, and remain healthy, safe, and just all pull together as a family for 2011.
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    Why does my sister hate me? Prayers for our relationship

    It is good advice, and I really appreciate the prayer, thank you. I am too hoping it is as simple as an age thing. I hope there isn't anything deeper, but if there is, like your prayer says, I hope it becomes revealed so that it can be worked on. Me being older and more mature, I'm at the...
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    Pray For Obamas Safety

    I will pray for Obama, and pray that he will be lead by God, and if he does not know Jesus, that he will have the opportunity to accept Jesus into his heart. I will pray that Obama leads this nation under the will of God.
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    Why does my sister hate me? Prayers for our relationship

    Thanks for the prayers. She doesn't have any full siblings, I am half to her (by our father) and she is half with her other brother (by her mother.) I guess she feels closer to him, cause she grew up with him and her mom. But I really want us to develop our own unique bond, and be close...
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    Why does my sister hate me? Prayers for our relationship

    Hello ! I have a younger sister (who is technically my half sister, and younger than me (she is 16 years old)), but she treats me differently than other family members. It is as if she just doesn't want me around, or even likes me, there doesn't seem to be much closeness there, not a sibling...
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    Prayers for all those returning to school

    My sister will be starting her Junior year at Highschool on August 11th, and I know many others will be starting school this week, or next. I really want to say a special prayer for everyone returning to school this month. It is a hard time to be a Christian in school these days. So much...
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    Prayer for job

    So many things to pray about, so little time, hehe. I've got another situation brewing in my own life, and that is job uncertainty. I am currently employed, but I'm not sure for how much longer, and things are kinda rocky, I'm putting my resume out there for another job, in this bad economy I...
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    Prayer for my 16 year old sister

    I just wanted to thank you again for your prayers, I am blessed to have found such a wonderful forum of people.
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    Pray to help me find a church

    I will certainly be praying for you to find a good church! As one myself who has in the past been on the rocks about churches and where I should go and what is good, I know how you feel, thankfully I have found two very good churches and I actually go to both! I will be praying for God to lead...
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    Prayer for my 16 year old sister

    Thank you so much for this prayer, I read this post and I cried, I prayed it and I cried, emotional tears, than you so much for your prayer. Wonderful words, thank you, I have prayed this prayer as well. Thank you Thank you for the prayer Thanks I'm a lot older than her, and not a...
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    Prayer for my 16 year old sister

    Hey guys, I don't post much around here, but I really need some big group prayer for my 16 year old sister. I've just become aware of sin in her life that has really made me sad and disappointed and scared for her future. I thought she was innocent, but now that I've learned what I've learned...
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    Anyone else have a strained family relationship with a family member?

    Thank you so much for the advice about my sister, yeah, she is only 16, so I hold on to hope that things will change for the positive as she grows up. I let her know how I feel when I can, and I always try to be a part of her life, but it is really hard a lot of times because I never know...
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    I'm single

    30 years old, a Christian, and I'm lonely Anyone else in the same boat? I know that some people spread the gospel best on their own, and others do their best work with a companion. How do you feel about that, single guys do you want to be single? Personally, I don't really want to be...
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    Anyone else have a strained family relationship with a family member?

    I feel kind of sad because I don't have the relationship I feel I should with my half-sister. The story gets a little muddled due to the fact that my dad (whom is also her dad) divorced her mom, and thus threw us all into separating, more than 10 years ago. She stayed with her mother 1,000...
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    Hi everybody

    Awesome post, welcome to the forums
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    New Star Trek Movie

    I really really enjoyed this movie, I saw it in the theater 6 times. I'm a huge Trek fan, and I love this new take on Trek, it is a reboot and that is what it needed. The old writers are out, and new blood is in. It really paid off. The only problem was the lens flares, way to many of them...