Search results

  1. M

    How much are we ethically bound to use for the benefit of the rest of humanity?

    How much of the money and goods we work hard for are we bound to put to the purpose of helping the rest of humanity, individually or as a whole?
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    Hate Speech

    Is it right to put a limit on speech where we find it unacceptable or offensive? I realize hate speech laws have the best of intents, but if I want to say something hateful, should it be the governments job to stop me? Does the first amendment apply only speech we find acceptable? that the...
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    Should flag burning be banned?

    Should it? Why/ why not? Personally, I believe it should not.
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    Is corruption treason?

    Is it? I.E., the Blagovech(sp?) scandal, is it treason? Definition of treason from's the legal definition?): It seems to fit under #2 and #3. Thoughts?
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    Race relations in the US. Are they ethical, moral?

    I know, touchy subject. But I think we can honestly discuss these things without cries of racism. I am speaking specifically to black people who think they should get some kind of reparation or advantage for being black, and those who are hyper sensitive to themselves being black. I don't think...
  6. M

    Evolution and God's Creation: where's the necessary conflict?

    It seems any conflicts between evolution and God come from people wanting there to be conflicts between evolution and God. Where does this absolutely essential conflict lie? BTW, before any one brings it up, God is outside of time. A day could be any set measure of time, not just 24 hours.
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    Something from nothing and God

    In asserting something cannot come from nothing, some think I have run into an apparent contradiction - how can God create something from nothing if something cannot come from nothing? For the sake of this thread, accept these two premises: 1) God exists as Creator 2) He is omnipotent Now...
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    Jesus as a historical figure

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    Jesus as a historical figure

    For atheists and non-Christians, what do you think of Jesus as a historical figure? Do you think He even existed? Why do you think that?
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    A question about evolution

    If all life began with a single cell, what where the environmental conditions that would cause that cell to evolve into a multicelled organism? And that multicelled organism into more complex organisms?
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    Where people say we cannot trust anything we can experience from our senses, it could be totally fake. This is often defended by saying that our senses are just electric impulses, nerves, etc., and can be simulated. I was thinking about it today(and doi, took me long enough), but would not...
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    Westboro Baptist Church

    Who else thinks these people are some of the most reprehensible human beings on earth?
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    What is evil?

    What is evil? Is it a force that actively seeks to destroy good? Does it, or good, exist at all, in your opinion? I personally believe evil is a lack of good; as darkness is a lack of light. Neither is a force per se.
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    Compassion and empathy

    What do you believe them to be? And, for that matter, what do you believe the conscience do be? Rather, why do humans regard things as "right" and "wrong" fairly consistently?
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    Thomas Aquinas?

    I'm surprised at how little he is mentioned by Catholics(and other Christians) on this board, considering he is the greatest Doctor. If you have only sparingly heard of him and would like to look into his arguments for God(and not have to wade through his Summa Theologica just yet), I can...
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    ANM29 - The Church

    So you can get into it now. [/SIZE]
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    A question for atheists and agnostics

    What has led you to determine God does not exist, or cannot be known?
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    Those without the benefit of Revelation

    For those who were never able to experience the benefit of the revelation of Jesus Christ as God (American Indians, and others who had never heard of Jesus because His Word took time to reach their homes), or those who lived before Jesus Christ was born(and were not Jewish), were still able to...
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    The Papacy

    A lot here believe it is an imagined office. The proof that Christ constituted St. Peter head of His Church is found in Matthew 16:17-19, and John 21:15-17. Matthew: John: He is telling Peter to feed his sheep, to care for His flock: giving Peter supremacy to "feed" the Church. I'm...