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  1. L

    What do think about cremation?

    I am interested to hear what my fellow christians believe about cremation? I have seriously considered this when I die. I have heard many secular views on this subject but I would like to hear a view from a christian perspective. For example, is it biblical or is it seen as a taboo within...
  2. L

    Conned into marriage - needing advice

    From reading what you said you have already answered your question. You don't believe in remarriage unless a person is a widow. You have one or two choices. Stick with what you personally believe and interpret or decide that you want to remarry and be in a Godly relationship. I will also...
  3. L

    Dealing with a border-line personality mother

    My mother has border line personality disorder (please look up this disorder if you do not know what it is or means). She is literally a text book case. Her disorder has made my life and the life of my siblings extremely difficult. Even as adults we still have the scars and are still dealing...
  4. L

    I need Christian advice. My ex-girlfriend and me

    TLane, I am going to be straight forward with you and honest. You are in an unhealthy relationship. You are in the prime of your life and you lack a lot of maturity socially, spiritually, and wordly (I say this with no ill-will so please do not be insulted). You and the love of your life...
  5. L

    I believe that a church member is taking advantage of our church

    I need some insight to a family at my church. Please let me know if I am being too judgmental or if my senses are on target. I'm a member of a small church. It's the type of church were everybody knows everybody and most members are life long members and many have grown up in the same church...
  6. L

    New Christian but parents are not very Christian

    I don't look at it as God giving us a bunch of rules. God gives us standards to live our lives by and these standards are not easy. My advice is never force religion or faith on anyone. It turns them off more than it helps them. If you want to be a true testament live out faith and keep the...
  7. L

    I want to be financially blessed what am I doing wrong?

    I have been praying for almost 2 years for God to bless me with a job that I can find fulfillment in. Right now I work as a substitute teacher to make a little income but my family and I need more. Yes, I could work a minimum wage job somewhere and I am not above taking a minimum wage job...