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  1. B

    A Call For Action

    I've been working in Washington DC for several months now, and the longer I'm there, the harder it is for me to see the homeless people and feel unable to do anything. On my half mile walk, I see at least five people begging for change. When I first got there, I tried to give some each day, but...
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    Discussion Thread: The Prophets

    In an attempt to test the waters a bit, and also start a discussion I would find both meaningful and interesting, I would like to start a thread on the prophets. I assume since Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all share in many of these prophets, it should allow for many points of view from all...
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    Discussion Time With B&W

    So, I figured instead of constantly jumping into other threads, I'd just go ahead and make one here. Open for discussion about any topics you would like to hear my views on. Have fun :)
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    A Great Way To Celebrate July 4th

    So, two weeks ago I suffered my fifth seizure. I was required by law to report this to the Department of Motor Vehicles in Virginia, who has now suspended my license beginning on July 4th. I will be celebrating my independence from driving. I know this really isn't about non-Christian...
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    Cathedral of St. Matthew

    I have recently started a new job and this cathedral is literally right across the street from my office building. Cathedral of St. Matthew, Washington, D.C. It's a really beautiful building! I was very impressed the first time I saw it.
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    Hello Folks

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate Easter, Happy Passover to those who celebrate Passover. Anybody else celebrating a holiday, have a happy holiday. I have read recently of several rabbinic rulings that tell us not to debate publicly articles of theology. As I agree with the logic behind...
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    Questions About Judsiam

    I thought I'd go ahead and start a thread since I got into a discussion in another thread about Jewish beliefs. So, are there any questions in regards to Jewish beliefs? I will start off by saying that I am not an Orthodox Jew, but I can try to find out the Orthodox perspective if anybody is...
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    "Us vs. Them"

    Do you feel it is ethical or correct to label every person that isn't 100% just like you as anti-(your group)? I have seen this come up several times recently on this forum. Is it possible for someone to not be of your group (i.e. non-Christian if you are a Christian) but not be some sort of...
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    Maine Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

    Maine Senate passes same-sex marriage bill Now, I always hear about how this only comes about due to "activist judges". This is a part of the legislature passing a bill. For those that oppose it due to it not being the will of the people, how do you respond when the legislature of a state...
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    Prostletyzing to Children

    Do you feel it is morally wrong to mission to children without parental permission? In other words, is it good to try to convert a Muslim child to Christianity if the child's parents are nowhere nearby?
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    Looking For A Good Book

    I'm looking for a good apologetics book. It doesn't have to be specific to any sect of Christianity, just one that addresses things in a logical and reasonable way. I understand faith has a lot to do with this stuff, but if something is the truth, it should be able to have a logical base...
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    A Few Questions

    I came from a very Christian fundamentalist background, which is one of the main reasons my Christian faith eroded away. Having a mind that is geared toward science can really break fundamentalism and a literal interpretation of the Bible. Having read what is said here, I have a few questions...
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    To BAFriend

    Deal! Actually, after what happened to me, I'll believe less than half of what is said regarding you. :wave: