Search results

  1. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned for bringing an hourglass to the table
  2. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned for being the same amount of strange you were before
  3. G

    Would you ever.......... (2)

    only if they are not choosers WYE eat three pounds of well-aged limburger cheese to win a bet for 1000 US Dollars
  4. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because strange skeletons need to stay in the closet
  5. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because i never stopped counting
  6. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because you are certainly strange
  7. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    can all lepers like yoyos? KILSR
  8. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because you're skilled far beyond what you would ever let on
  9. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    she heard every sadistic limerick. LCIRE
  10. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because George got into canada
  11. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    no, genny cannot tell lies. SILLL
  12. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because it's probably not hard to sneak in
  13. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because he's not back from canada, you need to go there and feed him cheeseburgers
  14. G

    Answer the Question with a Question (6)

    we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill?
  15. G

    You're banned (a fun game) (29)

    banned because George is hungry
  16. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    tiny alcoves lie dormant yoyos. SVOCL
  17. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    rats share the night, genny. NNGTH
  18. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    how are people pilfering yoyos? GNIRE
  19. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    do nerds grieve terrible hair? RIAHE
  20. G

    Five Letters Easy Game...Fun!!!!!!!! :D

    halve all syrup counts today. YADOT