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  1. M

    I am in pain.

    hi there, tess! i had a slipped disc at the beginning of this year and suffered immensely. was bed-ridden for 2 months and it was terrible! even coughing / sneezing brought tears! i'm sure u know what it feels like. i endured heavy medication, which caused awful side effects after...
  2. M

    New job for my husband

    do check out the "any answered prayers to glorify God" link. u'd be encouraged!
  3. M

    New job for my husband

    hi there. just wanna share something with you. since july i have been keeping a prayer journal, where i record all my prayer requests to God. each time He answers, i'll make a note of the date. just want to let u know that He always answers... it's just a matter of time, and sometimes not in the...