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  1. narnia59

    Mark Houck found Not Guilty Interesting about the replaced juror: The jury began deliberations on the case on Friday but said they were deadlocked and would not come to a decision that night...
  2. narnia59

    Papal document regarding conversion of Native Americans

    I've ran across a papal document before that outlines requirements for missionaries in their early work with the Native Americans and how their conversions must not be 'forced'. Now that I need it, I can't find it. Anybody know what I'm talking about? Thanks!
  3. narnia59

    The Good Thief

    Often referred to in a defense of certain theologies, I am curious if anyone has ever heard an explanation for the apparent discrepancies in the Gospels regarding the 'good' thief? John's Gospel simply mentions the two -- no details. John 19:16-18 Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be...
  4. narnia59

    Dogma vs Doctrine vs Personal Opinion

    I think I'm fairly knowledgable about Catholic doctrine. However, I do sometimes get confused at to the difference between dogma and doctrine. As Catholics, I know we're required to believe both, so what's the difference? And I know that just because the Pope says something, that doesn't mean...
  5. narnia59

    Question regarding 4 out of 5 patriarchs

    I asked a friend this question and she suggested I posted it here for your response. Several times when speaking of the 1054 schism I've seen the Eastern Orthodox offer the opinion that since 4 out of the 5 patriarchs at the time (Rome, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Alexandria and Antioch) went...
  6. narnia59

    Catholic charities & Vatican 'riches'

    Good morning to you all. Does anybody have any statistics at hand that indicate the amount of charitable work occurs at the hands of Catholic charities, religious orders etc. And while I also understand that while the Vatican is rich in 'art' and history, I've also been under the impression...