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  1. A

    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    James, since you are posting at this minute, would you mind explaining your completely contradictory statements?
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    When it is all made up anyway, it does not really matter.
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    What happened to the Party of Personal Responsibility?

    Why be afriad of people who think differently. Different ideas are actually important, it helps refine and develop thought. Poorly developed ideas are not too helpful though.
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    MARX and LENIN Would be SOOOOO Happy!

    People who do not understand Marxism should not write articles about it, and posters who do not understand Marxism should not post articles written by those authors.
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    Obama speech quoted jihad verse from Quran

    If you do not understand Jihad as a theological or linguistic concept you should not write articles about it, and you certainly should not post articles written by people who do not understand it. What happened to the Party of Personal Responsibility?
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    You never asked for evidence that non-Muslims were allowed in on a regular basis. If you want to claim otherwise, provide a quote where you did. You asked when non-Muslims were invited to Mecca. I provided evidence. Why are you upset? Why are you moving the goalpost now? Really...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    I suspect a "real American" is one with an independent mind who can adequately analyze and think for themselves. That's just me though!!!
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    Not at all. The OP is an attempt to really address the President's comments. This is true and false. The OP is attempting to attack the President's speech by attacking the number and not the ultimate conclusions arrived at because of the number. This is false reasoning. The number itself...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    Wonderful. Provide a dozen examples with citation. Wonderful. Complete this sentence... "The President was appealing to the emotion of _______." This should be easy!!! No, I will provide analysis, but I need you to clarify. I said... "This is poor analysis. I will let you explain...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    What is evidenced by the post above? Are you claiming that insipid was not an editorialization? Are you claiming that using such words is NOT evidence that you are attempting to compensate for poor argumentation with emotional rhetoric? Perhaps you fail to understand the fallacy you are...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    Not true at all. Have you conducted any research on this claim? I want to know if you are making this based on research before I post evidence. Of all of the people I know who are qualified to make that diagnosis, none throw it around with the attitude you do. Could it be that you are...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    Just to be clear, you have called me stupid, idiot, and retard. I have asked you for a formal debate. Once your bluff is called most people usually abandon it. You are digging a hole by claiming I am retarded then running in abject terror when a debate is requested. If I am retarded, and...
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    So once again you have failed to provide examples or reasoning. Resorting to ad hominem is a sign of a poor argument and poor reasoning. you really cannot avoid that responsibility. That's easy... "1979 A group of around 200 militant Sunni Muslims occupy Mecca's Grand Mosque. They are...
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    Don't Fall For Cap and Tax

    Unfortunately so. This article never should have been posted to begin with. It is a poorly constructed diatribe, and it should have died on the editing room floor. The fact that it was printed is an intellectual crime. The fact that it was posted as worthy of discussion is even worse...
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    Don't Fall For Cap and Tax

    Did you read this before posting it?
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    No, James has publicly stated that he is unmarried.
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    "I am a Christian" Obama speaks to the Muslim nation

    I love Christians who are so adamant that Christians MUST fit into one mold, while completely ignoring the judgmental nature of their comments. So because the US provides charity it is absolved for mistakes? And what charity does the US give? This is called a false dichotomy. The...
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    Obama in Cairo. Now what?

    Did you read this article? If so why did you post it?
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    Obama Is Remaking America Into Socialism

    Yes, President Obama is remaking America into Socialism, but only if you do not know what Socialism actually is. When you do not know the definitions of words, you can use them in all sorts of situations.
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    So is America a Muslim nation or not?

    He is the President. This is what I do not understand about some Republicans. I did not like President Bush at all, but I always referred to him as the President. Regardless of the individual the office deserves respect. Why do some Republicans jettison their patriotism and respect so...