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  1. LightofHeaven

    Strengthboys ((Invite Only))

  2. LightofHeaven

    Elayne Kamya

  3. LightofHeaven

    What Is Love?

    What Is Love? by LightofHeaven July 6, 2010 Introduction For a very long time, love has been a major part of our human lives. It is something that is often brought up almost every day, whether it is a direct or indirect reference. You might hear someone talking about having a crush on...
  4. LightofHeaven


    Hoi...uh....I'm itching to learn to write in the Filipino language. Liike...words and sentence structure. Anyone wanna teach? :bigeye:
  5. LightofHeaven

    Here I Stand

    I, LightofHeaven, face the board with promise of truth. Ask of me what you will.
  6. LightofHeaven

    Hazu Wilton

  7. LightofHeaven

    Sigurd Farvadin

  8. LightofHeaven

    Wes Smith

  9. LightofHeaven

    The Witer's Dojo

  10. LightofHeaven

    OOC: Lover (Revived)

  11. LightofHeaven

    Fidel Dusha

  12. LightofHeaven

    Keano Sota

  13. LightofHeaven

    Nishan Fedde

  14. LightofHeaven

    Mitch Tancred

  15. LightofHeaven

    Rain Trells

  16. LightofHeaven

    Kingdom Hearts: Dual Trinity

  17. LightofHeaven

    Aylus Kade

  18. LightofHeaven

    Sarjun Arkya

  19. LightofHeaven

    Final Fantasy Fans Needed

  20. LightofHeaven

    Dr. Hugh Ord