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  1. M

    Dating and getting into relationships

    Hi All, What I would like to know is your response to the above topic. I'm someone who is keen to be in a relationship and to date someone and possibly get married. But I've had this question - when should I tell my partner that I've had issues with OCD and depression? I feel its not right to...
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    Dating and getting into relationships

    Hi All, What I would like to know is your response to the above topic. I'm someone who is keen to be in a relationship and to date someone and possibly get married. But I've had this question - when should I tell my partner that I've had issues with OCD and depression? I feel its not right to...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, I'm sure your'e son's graduation went off well!! :wave: Thought of posting to find out how you've been since its been some time since the last post. Well I hope you are taking the meds prescribed by the doctor. I hope that the doctor didn't give you a high dose at once, but started with...
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    healing conference

    Hi dantrong, I wonder what your'e background is and whether you struggle with OCD regarding youre faith. Are u on medication? I would encourage you to go because you will hear the word of God and be encouraged. If you are struggling with issues about your'e faith, some of those doubts and fears...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, I forgot your name and mistakedly referred to Lis. :) Sorry I meant the following post for you. Hope things are better for you now. God bless micheal Hi Jan, Its been some time, just wondering how you are. Have you been able to see a doctor? Just want you to know that we've been...
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    Destroyed by "Word of Faith" teachings

    Hi Mark, I just want to tell you that I'm also very sorry for what has happened to you. Jesus said that to everyone He has given a "measure of faith" Some people have tremendous faith, others don't. And those who have faith have no right to impose their faith on others, like whats happened to...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi, I have a prayer request which I would like to share with u. Please pray that God will guide me regarding a church. I've been attending a church for about 3 years, but I feel the ministry oppertunities I have there are limited. I really want to be involved in serving the Lord in a young...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Lis, Its been some time, just wondering how you are. Have you been able to see a doctor? Just want you to know that we've been praying for you and I know that God's in control of your situation though the night may seem to be long and dark. I too felt lonely and helpless when I first...
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    Depression and social stigma

    Dear All, Thanks for the replies posted!! Yes I agree that among the christians there is still a misconception about this desease, and a general feeling its a lack of faith. But unfortunately in Sri lanka where I'm from (does anyone know where it is??) it is still taboo among the general...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, Sorry I couldn't reply for some time. I'm really glad that God showed you the doctor was a fake and you didn't get misguided. :) Thank God we know the truth and we will not be deceived by the devil. I will keep praying that God will guide you to a good doc who will advse you and would...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, I'm glad that you'll be seeing a phycotherapist on thursday, it'll be good and I'm sure you'll be encouraged after the session. Go right ahead - our prayers are with you!!May the Lord lead you to the correct medicine and therapy. :) Don't feel guilty or upset about taking meds. Meds...
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    Depression and social stigma

    Hi, I would like to know how much of a social stigma that depression is in the west (or where every you are). I'm from a asian country and discussion of such topics is still quite taboo. :( How much of a problem is it in the west? Do people accept depression as any other illness? Do you feel...
  13. M

    OCD and working fulltime?

    hi, I would like to know others who are having OCD/ depression and who are doing full time jobs. I come from a asian country where there's not much understanding of the sickness and there are no support groups as such to turn to. I have had struggles while taking medication and doing a full time...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, I'm glad to hear that you are going to see the pastor who is also a doctor. :) He would be able to give you spiritual and emotional guidance as well as the medical advise. I too first saw a pastor who was also a GP and he was able to explain what was happening and gave me advice. I know...
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    Suffering from OCB

    Hi Jan, Just read your posts today and let me tell you that I can totally relate to your story. I too suffered for many years with anxiety and depression due to regrets i had in life. It affected my life very much and specially my christian life. I also loved the Lord and served Him a lot when I...
  16. M

    Anyone else have trouble feeling emotions?

    Hi Rion, Yes I also had simmilar problems to you. When I was taking Zoloft I used to also have no feelings sometimes, or they were suppressed. I've read that it is the way the antidepressents work, it reduces the stimuli we feel. But its pronounced with Zoloft. I changed to Clomipramine which is...
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    Questions for those who doubt salvation

    Well reading all that has been written I guess I can also identify with you all. It started with regrets that I had about making a wrong choice in subjects for college and not dealing with it. It kept haunting me and I was never settled in my mind that I had made the right choice. I kept...