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  1. J

    Who has the burden of proof? evolutionists or creationists

    Okay as I understand it the prosecution in a court of law has the burdon of proof. The defense doesn't have to provide any evidence that the defendant is innocent. They can merely show how the prosecutions evidence isn't correct or doesn't prove the defendent guilty. Because in the American...
  2. J

    How do young earth creationists explain the ice age?

    It appears that the ice age is an undisputed historical event. So the young earth creationists would have to explain humans inhabiting Earth during the ice age. How do they do this? Or do they avoid this by saying the ice age didn't happen? If so how do they explain this?
  3. J

    Old Earth Creation

    Sure the genealogy stuff can give us an idea of how many years ago it was when Adam was on earth. But that doesn't necessarily indicate the age of the planet. The day 1 - day 6 creation account could be describing how God prepared earth to be inhabited by humans. But the planet we call earth...
  4. J

    Does the theistic evolution theory compromise the gospel message?

    Thanks to those of you who are keeping on topic and answering the question directly. If no one can give a good example of how TE compromises the gospel message (the good news message about Jesus and what he did for us) then maybe you can try a different approach. In someone's post they seemed...
  5. J

    Of course evolutionists are going to shape their findings into their theories

    Of course evolutionists are going to shape their findings into their theories of the origin of the universe/life. Why would we expect them not to? I'm not being synical here. I have often heard creationists (of which I am one) complain that evolutionists always shape their findings to fit...
  6. J

    Arguments Creationists Should NOT Use (Creationist Sub-Forum)

    odd.. I read the thread title, then I read the intro message. I read a few of the messages that follow that and then skip to the most recent posts. And I have yet to read anyone giving a suggestion of what arguments creationists should not use. is the title of the thread not what we're...
  7. J

    Does the theistic evolution theory compromise the gospel message?

    (I think I'm posting this in the correct place.) Can you think of any way that a belief in theistic evolution would compromise the bible's message about Jesus Christ? I can't think of any. I'm asking because if there isn't a way that it does then I don't have to be troubled by Christians...