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  1. D

    The Pentecost!

    Greetings everyone! I had a very exciting dream last night! Every morning I wake up and the first thing i do is pray. Today, right after i woke up, i totally forgot my dream, but as i was praying, that dream came up vividly again! okay, here it goes. i don't know where (in the world) i am...
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    National Honor Society

    Greetings everyone! :wave: I'm not very sure what the purpose of this forum is :scratch:, but since it has something to do with the society, i guess i'll just post something relevant to it.:thumbsup: anyways, i'm a high schooler in a christian private school located in Paraguay, South America...
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    Hey everyone! i'm a PK & MK and i'm very involved in my church, specially the youth group. i was wondering if you guys had any creative ideas for ice-breakers, or anything that would make the meetings more interesting. :idea: please don't hesitate to shout out an idea! Thanks
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    Tu Cancion...?

    Hola todos! :wave: Espero que esten disfrutando el nuevo anho (perdon, no tengo la 'enie', hehe:P)! Y bueno, queria saber que clase de gusto musical tienen todos los que estan en el mundo. Cual es tu cancion favorita cantado en espanhol? Por ejemplo, a mi me encanta la cancion cantado por...
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    Hey there!

    It's great to find a forum where people are encouraging you:), at least that's what I've been told. haha:P Well, I'm new here, and I would love to make new friends here and talk about our awesome God! alrighty friends, I hope you enjoy the New Year! Brother in Christ, Danny Kim