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  1. ChazakEmunah

    Has Anyone Else Heard of This?

    Republic of Lakotah P.O. Box 99 Porcupine, SD 57772 605-867-1111 JAN 1, 2008...
  2. ChazakEmunah

    HaShem Is My Partner

    HaShem Is My Partner... He seemed like a regular person with an ordinary winery business. But he was a very special man because he was able to heal sick people. Anyone that received a blessing from him, would immediately heal. One day, the city's Rav decided to meet...
  3. ChazakEmunah

    Not For Sale...

    The Rambam, zs'l, writes (Hilchot Geirushin 2:20) that deep in every heart, each Jew wants to be religious and observe all the Mitzvot. No Jew wants to sin; it is the yetzer hara (evil inclination) that persuades him to commits sins. The following story illustrates the truth of the Rambam's...
  4. ChazakEmunah

    Taking a Break....

    Hey all... I am going to *try* to take a break from the forum until after Yom Kippur. I need to take some time and really focus and prepare myself for Yom Kippur. So, on that theme, if I have said anything hurtful towards anyone (and I know I probably have), I ask that you accept my apologies...
  5. ChazakEmunah

    A Very Inspirational Story

    Okay, I just read this and couldn't keep it to myself. Enjoy! I Put HaShem Before Me Always Rabbi Moshe Galanti, zs'l, lived in Damascus and was fluent in all of the "seven wisdom's." There was no one as wise as he, except for one Arab sheik, who also knew the...
  6. ChazakEmunah

    Oral Torah (Torah Sheb'al peh) [messianic & judaism]

    The issue was brought up in Messianic Judaism asking why Messianics keep Chanukah, light Shabbos candles, etc... when these mitzvot are not written in the Tanakh. So, here is what I want to know: 1) Why do Messianics keep parts of the Oral Torah? 2) Should Messianics keep the Oral Torah...