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  1. madetoworship

    Matt 7:21 and Romans 10:13 (Confusion)

    In examining the context of these two verses we find that Jesus Christ is talking to and about something very different than Apostle Paul. Apostle Paul in just the verse before says this: "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses...
  2. madetoworship

    How does one reconcile both Matthew 5:9 and Proverbs 26:17?

    Definition of Meddle : to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety You can be a peacemaker in your own affairs. Or be a mediator IF CALLED UPON. In the affairs of your fellow brother or sister in Christ, you SHOULD care for them and have the "right"...
  3. madetoworship

    I have a question

    1 John 1:6-7 "If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."
  4. madetoworship

    I am going to stop

    This is the best advice on this thread for you. Couldn't agree more. You are right when you said it takes 6 months to break a habit. Well you gotta focus more on the grace of God and the blessings of doing other things besides lusting than just trying to abstain from it. Positive things are...
  5. madetoworship

    2013 years ago, Christ gave us everything.. can this be explained?

    As mentioned before, time is not based on Jesus Death/Resurrection. Our calendar system - The Gregorian Calender (Gregorian calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) is widely used and accepted internationally today. The Anno Domini (Latin for "in the year of the/our Lord") system of...
  6. madetoworship

    germs "evolving" to stop antibiotics?

    As said by Philpy, It's a matter of Macroevolution vs. Microevolution. Bacteria DNA can mutate and by the process of natural selection, adapt to be antibiotic resistant. This does not contradict what the Bible teaches and says nothing on the order of "The Origin of Life". You would have to...
  7. madetoworship

    I'm addicted to diet coke

    Source(s): Yahoo Answers Contributor CNT, B.A. biology & chemistry advanced nutritional research It contains lots of phosphoric acid that depletes your calcium in your body and contains aspartame that has 92 know side effects, according to the FDA data. These side effects definitely cause your...
  8. madetoworship

    If you had $100, to give away....

    Wherever God leads you after you pray about it. God's concern is with the soul of every man and their eternal lives. Both I would assume would go to help spread God's Kingdom. It is a matter of your personal calling to where you put your money.
  9. madetoworship

    Is Masturbation Without Lust Still a Sin? Why?

    Self pleasuring without self-control is though.
  10. madetoworship

    Is this appropriate?

    California Education starts Sex Education around fifth grade to 9th grade (varying between districts).
  11. madetoworship


    PTL indeed! Welcome to CF have a nice day as well :)
  12. madetoworship

    How many cats can I adopt before it's sinful? 4? 19? 8?

    As many as ASPCA allows you to have. ASPCA | The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  13. madetoworship

    How will everyone be judged if there is so many people?

    Could be all at the same time. God is everywhere at once so He could reveal our sins to us in our minds all at once. Who knows! lol Ask that one guy who came back from Heaven and wrote a book about it!
  14. madetoworship

    Help with movies.

    I just want to quote some scripture that you should read and interpret. These words God uses highlight the importance of what we see with our eyes. Be very careful. Matthew 6:22-23 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if...
  15. madetoworship

    anyone here dealt with the kind of dilemma faced by Joseph in the bible?

    Luke 23:34 "Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."" Every time you are betrayed and sinned against, they are directly sinning not just against you but to God. They don't know that they are actually crucifying Jesus in the process. Yet Jesus still forgive...
  16. madetoworship

    MOVED: I believe homosexuality is sin, but I still call myself gay

    As mentioned already, lust is the sin you must stay away from. I don't think you should call yourself a non-practicing gay like I won't call myself a non-practicing adulterer and murderer but I still have hateful and lustful thoughts. We are all sinners. You are a sinner. I am a sinner. Jesus...
  17. madetoworship

    CAUGHT SEXTING..parenting?

    How old is he?
  18. madetoworship

    What should the average day in the life of a Christian look like?

    Here is what Scripture says: Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Joshua 1:8 "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything...
  19. madetoworship

    Sobering Realization

    Do you know that Jesus Christ died for all of your sins? Including your eating cake habit? No matter how big or small that sin is? Do you believe in this and are you willing to make Jesus the Lord of your life?
  20. madetoworship

    can I fast for this reason?

    You're exactly right! Matthew 6:9-13 “This, then, is how you should pray: “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have...