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    Question of keeping or selling books because of author

    I have an inquiry. I purchased some books a while ago by Robert Sabuda and some by Matthew Reinhart. I thought the books were OK and did not see moral problems in their content. Later, I learned that both authors are quite actively involved in living out and promoting homosexual rights...
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    Prayer to stay in school

    I am in a program that I am really hoping to stay in. I pray God will help me to stay and finish it successfully. I also may be under persecution in my life, so I ask for God's protection in that too.
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    Pray for Paris, at least 150 dead in Stad de France attacks

    Many people have died in coordinated attacks in France today, Nov 13. At Stade de France there was a soccer match between France and Germany. There was an explosion there and at least one attacker there was confirmed by major news outlets as having been killed due to one of the explosions. The...
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    Prayers for justice

    Prayers for someone I know may have the truth known of their situation. Prayer for God to heal their mind and body. Pray also the authorities will abide by the law, good investigation, and only the real truth come to the forefront.
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    Prayers for Job

    I am in a time where I feel like things are in a lot of flux and uncertainty. I am praying that I am able to keep my job with God's help. I try to serve my customers well, but sometimes they are unsatisfied, even if I try all ways I know how to help them. Please pray for God's help in...
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    for a new job and direction

    praying for success
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    Prayers for family member in trouble

    I would like toe request for prayers from God to help with a family member. The family member has been respectful to others, but is not respectful to himself. His self-destructive behavior is affecting him greatly and he needs outside help to get it under control. Please pray for God's...
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    My job and God's help

    I am a bit unsure and anxious about my job. I am concerned about my boss and how well I am performing my duties. I would request prayer for me to continue to perform well and to do things according to protocols and instructions. I ask please for God's help to be excellent in performance and...
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    Prayer for job and boss

    I have tried to serve well at my job and hope to continue to do so. Things are not going as well as I had hoped and would like to ask God and other for help in prayer to help keep my job and to continue to serve my boss and my customers well. I am also a bit nervous about the whole thing...
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    Prayers For Faith, Wisdom

    I pray Lord that guidance be given in this area and help people have faith in Your Word. Please help pastors guide their congregations, both small and large, in wisdom and integrity in the nation of Jamaica. Amen in Your Name.
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    Anxiety/nervous about job and boss

    I am in prayer for my job. Things are a little rough and I am nervous to keep up with my boss and co-workers. Please pray that I remain in good standing with the boss without problems and that with God I pray He will allow me to keep my job , help me to keep it, and work hard to work please my...
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    Can't sleep because of bad anxiety

    i dearly pray for our sister in Christ to have assurance in her spiritual life that she lays in the secure arms of God. She is beloved by You and You care for her. Help her to know Your calm and the joy of a life with you my King. Help her also get some sleep to rest the body, for a weary...
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    Car repair, money concerns.

    I pray our sister in Christ may get the honest service she needs for her vehicle and support for herself financially. Please bring her success in this area of her life. Lord, you care for even the sparrow, a small bird in its own right, when it falls. Please uphold your daughter. Thank you...
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    Prayer request

    Dear Lord, I pray for clarity on the content of these dreams and any meaning they may have for this follower of yours. I pray that our brother in Christ may have discernment and be enlightened to Your wisdom and will. I pray for His health and clam state of mind. In the name of Christ I...
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    Prayers for my job

    I have tried what I know to do right for my supervisor, but I do not think I have done enough or if it is perceived as being correct. I please pray God will help me keep my job and give insight and wisdom to my supervisor concerning me trying to do right by them. I ask God to help me keep a...
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    Prayer for job

    Thank you for prayers. Things are rocky now and I request to help me keep praying for God to help me keep my job and stay in good standing with my peers and boss.
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    Prayers for job and boss

    I am feeling the pressure at my job and and am nervous and having problems with anxiety. I please pray with God for me to stay in good standing with the staff and the boss. Please pray with me to God for petitioning His help in preserving and for me to keep my job. I need peace in my heart...
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    Need prayer for job

    I want to work hard and do well for my boss in my duties. Right now I just don't know how things are going and I need God's help. Please pray with me that with God's help I can keep my job and perform well.
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    Nervous, need to talk to boss

    I need to talk to my boss and am nervous. It is important and I would like to ask God for help in keeping my job, and help me stay in good standing with my boss and be understanding in areas that need to be discussed. Please pray for a calm heart and mind and to listen more than speaking.
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    Please pray for me

    Praying for God to lay His hands of healing on you and for mental peace.