Search results

  1. AV1611VET

    My Transgender Challenge

    Is transgenderism a product of cause-and-effect? If so, I'd like to see how science justifies this sinful practice -- (assuming they do). And if it hasn't been justified yet, what exactly are scientists looking into that would cause this to happen? Can a person become a transgender against...
  2. AV1611VET

    My Academic Challenge

    Here's a tough question that I'd love to see answered: Re the scientific disciplines of physical science, life science, and evolution, do you feel you are academically qualified to say the Bible is wrong; in the passages where the Bible disagrees with said disciplines?
  3. AV1611VET

    My India Challenge

    If India "torpedoed" into the Asian continent at the rate of 2cm/year, forming the Himalayan Mountains, where out in the ocean was India's starting point, and how did scientists ascertain it? Please note: I want an exact starting point in the ocean where India began its journey, as I'm using...
  4. AV1611VET

    Auld Lang Syne

    For auld lang syne, here's a thread from the past, citing scientific evidence, and made by an atheist: Evidence for creationism 1. The universe exists 2. Current scientific evidence indicates that the universe began at a previous point in time (as opposed to always existing in its current...
  5. AV1611VET

    Explorers Find Perfectly Aligned Holes at Bottom of Ocean

    Explorers have discovered a series of mysterious, "perfectly aligned" holes punched into the seafloor roughly 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) beneath the ocean surface, and they have no idea who or what made them. SOURCE Thoughts? comments? explanations?
  6. AV1611VET

    Perfect Balance

    The books of the Old Testament are laid out in perfect balance: 39 books = 17 + 5 + 17 17 history + 5 poetry + 17 prophecy Broken down further: [5+12] + [5] + [5+12] 17 history = [5 books of Moses + 12 books of Canaan occupation] + [5 books of poetry] + [5 major prophets + 12 minor prophets]
  7. AV1611VET

    My Clovis Challenge

    What is being taught today as who the first Homo sapiens were that settled in the Americas?
  8. AV1611VET

    My Hug 100 Trees Challenge

    Hug 100 Trees To Save The Rainforests! Trees are essential for all life on our planet. Rainforests provide habitat for over 50% of all the species on Earth, and safely store hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Put simply, we couldn’t...
  9. AV1611VET

    Shape-shifting Dinosaurs

    Here is an excellent video on shape-shifting dinosaurs by Jack Horner: He basically points out that what scientists think are different dinosaur species, are actually one and the same, but at different stages of age. For example, if you skip to 08:45 and start watching, he points out that...
  10. AV1611VET

    My Research Challenge Re Creatio Ex Nihilo

    1. What's being done to research creatio ex nihilo? 2. What's been done to research creatio ex nihilo? 3. What is the consensus of opinion on creatio ex nihilo so far?
  11. AV1611VET

    My Research Challenge Re Noah's Flood

    1. Was the Flood story scientifically researched? 2. If so, was it thoroughly researched to see if it comported to how it was documented in the Bible? 3. If not, what parts were researched and what parts weren't? 4. Is there anything more that can be researched? 5. What is the scientific...
  12. AV1611VET

    My Center Challenge

    If the earth is at the center of the universe, what laws of physics have been violated? Be specific please; and please name the law(s).
  13. AV1611VET

    My Grand Canyon Challenge

    According to Wikipedia: A canyon ... is a deep cleft between escarpments or cliffs resulting from weathering and the erosive activity of a river over geologic time scales. SOURCE If the Grand Canyon appeared in Peleg's lifetime, then I submit "Grand Canyon" is a misnomer. Thoughts?
  14. AV1611VET

    T Rex May Have Had Lips

    Looks like T Rex may have had lips. T Rex May Have Had Lips Like A Modern Lizard's
  15. AV1611VET

    Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of drstevej and mnorian. I can picture them in Heaven now, hearing those words: WELL DONE, THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, for doing their parts in the fulfillment of the Great Commission through this site. They'll have crowns to cast at Jesus' feet, with...
  16. AV1611VET

    What Is Our Ninth Planet?

    What is the name of our ninth planet now?
  17. AV1611VET

    Potential Problems of Peer Review

    "Because of how overwhelming the review process can be, the results are not always consistent between different articles and journals. Particularly, the decisions of reviewers can be inconsistent. One study showed that recently published articles, when resubmitted a few months later, are often...
  18. AV1611VET


    I hear the term "fossil record" a lot, and I submit it is misleading. A "fossil record" is an interpretation of the "fossil layers" -- written on paper and subject to change. It is the software* that describes the hardware. You can change it by simply erasing something and writing in...
  19. AV1611VET

    Hands Across Time

    Take your father by the hand. Let him take his father by the hand. Let him take his father by the hand. Do so all the way back to the sixth day the earth had been in existence, and what do you have? Adam, a mature human being, made from the ground. Only six days after time itself started in...
  20. AV1611VET

    Abominablis Nix Ver

    Have zoologists or cryptozoologists determined if these guys exist yeti?