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  1. R

    Is evolution something we can cast aside

    "I agree that it is little more than conjecture to recreate a hypothesis from a handful of bones. Evolution is a flawed science bordering on mythology. But it is all the atheist really has. We know the truth." You have got to be kidding me. This sounds like the ignorance i would only expect...
  2. R

    How can science observe the past?

    "How can science observe the past? By looking at the present! The present is the way it is because the past was the way it was." This has been the best response so far to your confusion, NC. Evolution is no longer a theory, is is a fact. It is occuring right now in your own backyard, and will...
  3. R

    To tithe or not to tithe...

    God is not an institution. Neither is he man, therefore man-made things such as money are of no relevance to him. By paying tithes one does not support God or the ideas that stem from his being, you are instead financially supporting an inherently fallible organization that is unnecessary in the...