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  1. C

    A Scream in the night

    This is very strange but the Holy Spirit informed me that what you heard was the sound of a demon.I'll see if I can get any more information about it from Him. Beware of what will happen without God in your life.Seek Jesus.Ask for forgiveness.Do not venture on your own.Stay CLOSE to the...
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    some help

    The problem with seemingly harmless movies and television programs is that demons are attracted to entertainment involving the occult.My personal experience with this occurred when I was getting ready for bed while listening to the Coast To Coast radio talk show that was featuring a "ghost...
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    Crazy stuff

    This is a very important message for this website since so many members identify themselves as Republicans which means that their role model is George Bush who keeps trying to justify his orders to commit crimes against humanity in Iraq on a daily basis due to the 9/11 attack which occurred...
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    sense presence when in prayer

    We live in a spirit-filled world populated by both angels and demons both of which have the same power so it's hard sometimes to tell which variety we're experiencing the presence of.One of the easiest ways is to figure out if the spirits are doing God's work such as filling you with the desire...
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    Keeping The Faith In A Far-Away Land - Guidance Needed

    It will be necessary for you to locate a home worship fellowship not only for your safety but also in order to find true Christian worship.Write to the address below giving them the names of the cities you are going to and why you are going there and then request contact information for local...
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    challenge ahead of me..

    What you need to take is both an interest and a aptitude test to give you some guidance.The first test shows you the type of work that you are most interested in while the second one will show you the jobs that you have the most skills for.Then its just a matter of finding the jobs that have...
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    is this wrong?

    Christians are Jews so of course you should try to learn more about your religion.This doesn't make me at all happy because I have a real mental block when it comes to learning languages,but the Holy Spirit just told me that God will honor you for learning Hebrew.This ties into something the...
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    The voice of God?

    It's been my experience that God very seldom speaks to people,instead choosing other ways to communicate His will.He is more likely to send people to us to direct us in His way or sometimes direct us to a portion of the Bible that answers the question we have.However one thing you can count...
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    Question on contraception

    I believe that you have described the type of birth control that is approved by the Catholic church so there are very few that would consider it a sin except those few who believe that sexual relations should only be used for the purpose of creating children.This is the view of some conservative...
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    I could use a little help...

    Frankly your message is a bit confusing I assume because of personal confusion on your part.The only thing that I can suggest is that because of continuiing guilt feelings,you should start regularly to seek God in meditation and prayer and ask Him to send you the baptism of the Holy Spirit.Once...
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    What type of Music Should a Christian Listen To

    Most "new Christians" have not yet experienced what is called the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" which unlike the water baptism,comes from God and not a clergyman.When people reach a state of spiritual maturity,which can happen at most ages,God sends His Holy Spirit to them to guide them toward...
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    what is a cult and how to worship God?

    The term "cult" in interpreted very differently by individuals based on their personal beliefs.For most Christians,a cult is a group of individuals who have been misled by their leader to embrace false beliefs.Using this very general definition,most religious cults are not satanic in...
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    What are the benefits of being....

    Because most ministers have never received the baptism of the Holy Spirit themselves,they fail to teach their congregations that it is a requirement for salvation.(JOHN 3:3-9)
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    Hypocrisy In The "Pro-Life Movement"

    This morning I watched one of Pastor Rod Parsley's weekly telecasts.In some respects it was one of the best I have ever seen and in other respects it was totally disgusting.It's value was that it gave the best explanation I have ever seen of partial birth abortions.One oh this is terrific,the...
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    Persecuted Christian Stands Firm in his Testimony

    Throughout Christian history,the religion has grown fastest when its believers were under the threat of persecution.In the United States the growth has come to a standstill with many churches actually closing.There are however a small number of mega-churches growing fat and happy but only...
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    Absolutely The World's Worst Marriage Horror Story

    If anyone has the least little doubt that we are now in the end times,immediately before the start of the deadly disasters that will occur in the Tribulation and during the time of outrageous apostasy and deceitful teachings in many churches,all they have to do is read the messages in this...
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    CHINA: An Astonishing Christian Success Story

    In many nations in the world,Christianity is either dying or being so throughly corrupted that what is taught in its churches bares very little resemblance to what is taught in the New Testament.One of the very worst examples occurs in the United States where it is common for ministers to preach...
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    Why Didn't We Invade Iran?

    Almost on a daily basis,Iran appears to be one of the world's greatest dangers to world peace.So why did the United States invade Iraq instead of Iran? We are so close to the rapture that all major developments in the world need to be viewed from Satan's point of view because after that...
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    I Am Just So Sick Of False Prophets

    What prompted me to write this was when I read that the Woman's Entertainment (WE) cable television network has started airing a regular television series that shows a "medium" visting relatives of those who have died and then telling them that he is receiving messages from the dead.That got...