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  1. V

    Movie quote game

    sorry I logged off... the dessert quote is a disney movie with a little girl in it
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    Movie quote game

    "We neeeeed Dessert! De----sse---rt!"
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    Devotionals for couples

    There is the classic My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers that is a favorite of ours and has been around since the 20's or 30's. Also, we recently recieved Seasons of Love by Evans that we like so far.
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    How to romance a man

    It infuriates me too! Gifts are my love language and definately not my husbands. He acts like he doesnt know anything about me at all when he says he doesnt know what to buy for me. Hehe lately I have been, when we are at the store or just in conversation and something comes up that I might like...
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    How to romance a man

    i found this article and printed it. Haven't done any of them yet, but I have them on reserve. I too need help in this area just as he does for me. Another thing I have seen and want is a book...
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    30 Day Challenge for wives

    I'm in! I know I don't encourage my husband enough, and with our current struggles he needs it more than ever. Also, with our current struggles its the most difficult right now for me to be positive and encouraging to him when I have been hurt by him so much. This 30 day challenge will truly be...
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    Do you miss infatuation?

    oops sorry, my computer had some bad lag and I got impatient and clicked post too many times.
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    Do you miss infatuation?

    oh yeah, in addition to my post above, we had only been married 5 months when this happened. I hate that the "honeymoon" period is always assumed by so many to last a whole year.
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    Do you miss infatuation?

    oh yeah in addition to my post above, we had only been married 5 months when this happened. I hate that the "honeymoon" period
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    Do you miss infatuation?

    oh yeah in addition to my post above, we had only been married 5 months
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    Do you miss infatuation?

    To those who said the desire for this high can cause infidelity yes it can. My husband unbeknownst to me was developing a crush on a co-worker of his who he flirted with often. I found out and he told me she was just a big flirt to all the guys up there so I told him he needed to just stop...
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    Every Heart Restored study group: for women struggling with husband's sexual sin

    Well, lovieslady, so far it looks like just you and me. waiting two or three more weeks is probably a good idea. Hopefully other women who might be interested will find this. I can't think of anywhere else to post it that it would be relevant. The only other thing I could think of is posting in...
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    ** For MEN ONLY ** (wives can answer for their husbands)

    I agree with you here! I never realized how sick and perverted just about everything in this world has become until I met my husband and saw his struggle. Sensuality is everywhere. It is hard for my husband to even leave the house and go somewhere public becasue he has to avert his eyes and...
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    ** For MEN ONLY ** (wives can answer for their husbands)

    I completely agree with everything here!!!! I know how ya feel! It really stinks the excuses they use. And ok sure we are to try to selflessly please our husbands, but why does that have to mean that we need to try to look and be like inappropriate content stars in the bedroom?!?!?!?! I really really hate...
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    Getting rid of selfishness, control, and anger in marriage

    I understand how you feel. I too am often angry and disrespectful to my husband. I had this problem when I was younger with my mother and older sisters. I get a bad attitude and angry very easily. This habit is very hard to break. My husband tells me how much this affects him and how I can...
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    Every Heart Restored study group: for women struggling with husband's sexual sin

    My husband has been addicted to inappropriate contentography since he was 14. He confessed this to me before we were engaged. He fought this battle and won before we were married or so I thought. It got way worse after we were married and hurt more than I could ever imagine. He lied to me, brought the filth into...
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    Anyone know of any good marriage retreats or conferences?

    I went to the website. Are yall talking about the "A Weekend to remeber conference?" I did not see any conference called family life conference. Family life conference is the name of the organization.
  18. V

    Is inappropriate contento viewing adultery ?

    I agree completely with this as well. It is hard. I can attest to it. But when you pray, you will be strengthened to handle it. When I first found out of my husband's long running inappropriate contentography addiction it was before we were even engaged but after I already realized I loved him and hoped he is...
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    Is inappropriate contento viewing adultery ?

    I too thought this way and am going through the same thing. Either my husband will choose to love me or he will choose to love sin. Something I failed to realize when going through the same thing is (as my husband pointed out) its not about him loving me enough or desiring me more, what comes...