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  1. Asimov

    Health Care

    Health Care is something that I'm on the fence about. Although I am not for any government instituted systems, I do think that health care offers something that many people need. Because I value a lot of people, I would want them to be able to remain healthy so I can continue in my business or...
  2. Asimov

    Darwin's Armpit Farts

    What is the deal with Darwin's Armpit Farts? How does evolution explain something so hilariously funny? Are some people selected to reproduce the ability to make more realistic armpit farts?
  3. Asimov

    Agnosticism is not a Theological standpoint

    Just been thinking about this for awhile, and I do not think agnosticism should be bandied about as if it's some kind of theological position on belief. Consider the definition of agnosticism: As summarized from wikipedia, "Agnosticism is the belief that the truth or falsity of claims...
  4. Asimov

    Lack of Intellectual Debate

    I recognize that this is a Christian Forum and, inevitably God and Jesus and Scripture will be thrown around. That's not the problem, just to get that out of the way first. The problem is the absolute lack of any intellectual discussion of late (with exception to Amora's thread)...
  5. Asimov

    Radiometric dating

    I find the argument that we don't know if the rates of decay have stayed the same a little interesting. The first problem with making this claim is that the people who show this provide no reasons to think that the rates of decay have changed. There's no studies, no experiments...nothing...
  6. Asimov

    Abortion and Murder

    If you consider abortion to be murder, then please answer this question. If a pregnant woman is involved in a car crash which she caused (say due to speeding) and consequently miscarries, has she committed manslaughter? *edit to change example.
  7. Asimov

    Hilarious Creationist Hypocracy

    Creationist says: "dere was a global flood!!!" I say: " is that possible, all that water mixing? Earth is a delicate ecosystem...some fish can only survive in salt water and some fish can only survive in fresh water. Coral, if the temp changes, will die." Creationist says: "well look...
  8. Asimov

    IC Fallacy

    Irreducible Complexity is a fallacious argument, as it relies on specific definitions in order for something to be IC. Specific Definitions would also include a set function for the defined object. Such as a chair: A chair has a specific definition, and a specific function. A chair is...
  9. Asimov

    Pete's Sock Thread

    Anyone have a link to it?
  10. Asimov

    Why Not Against Gluttony?

    the US is one of the fattest countries in the world. Gluttony, while not considered an abomination, surely should be considered something sinful. Why aren't those of you who are against gay rights (on the idea that it is sinful), are not against gluttony? It seems kind of odd and...
  11. Asimov

    intelligent design

    ok, so this is for the creationists out there. Do you think that intelligence (in the form of life - animals such as humans and other primates) could only have come from an intelligent designer? If so, why? Do you think that complexity could only come from an intelligent designer? If so, why?
  12. Asimov

    AiG - What silly people In this article, they talk about wholphins. That is, whale-dolphin hybrids. But...interestingly enough, it was a false killer whale, and a bottlenosed dolphin that made the hybrid. A false killer whale, as I found in...
  13. Asimov

    Selective Evidence

    Why is it when Creationists are trying to debunk evolution, that they cite somebody who died at least 150 years ago? "Some Mayan dude from thousands of years ago said that there is no evidence for evolution, it must be false!!" Why not take a look at what advancements have been done, the...
  14. Asimov

    ID logical fallacy

    I was thinking about this in the shower today. ID proposes - we see design in everything in the universe. These designs are so complex that they must have been made intelligently. This argument is a proof for Gods existence. Their statement: If God exists, then we should see design in...
  15. Asimov

    Radiometric Dating is True

    I believe strongly that radiometric dating is true. I can prove it to you all. You see, when the earth was created, little pixies all gathered around it and instead of making the earth last forever, they decided that it would slowly decay like everything else. The reason for this is because...
  16. Asimov

    Ask the Atheist

    I wanted you guys to have the chance to pose your questions to atheists about anything you want. Ask away and I'm sure I, or any other resident atheist will be glad to respond! Don't be afraid, we only bite if you're a tasty baby.....mwahahahaha Anyway, on with the questions!!
  17. Asimov

    The Ark - dun dun duuuuuun

    Let's assume the flood story is true. Were whales on the ark? Dolphins??
  18. Asimov

    Christian Morality

    I've had a serious problem with Christian morality lately. The problem isn't physical, it's mental. I try and figure this out, I meditate on it, and debate on threads as well. I haven't posted my grievance here yet and I am doing so now. I would like to try and resolve this problem...
  19. Asimov

    Searching for the Arguments

    Creationism, we all know and love this entertaining pseudo-scientific religion which off-shoots from fundamentalist Christian doctrine. At best, it's arguments are outdated, and fail to attack any of the new knowledge we have uncovered concerning evolution. At worst, it seeks to attack...
  20. Asimov


    were mushrooms on the ark?