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  1. Moluku


    Was talking to some friends the other day about Reed College. Curious about the school, especially after reading Don Miller's Blue Like Jazz and his experiences there.
  2. Moluku

    Seeking prayer.

    It's been a long time since I've posted on here. But I know I can come for prayer, and I seek that now. There's many things right now that I feel overwhelmed with. It's been a hard year with many things happening right before I left for school this fall. Not sure what else to say, just...
  3. Moluku

    Anyone know anything about the CBEST?

    I'm taking the CBEST next month and was wondering if anyone on here knew about it or has taken it. Anything helps, just trying to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks all! :wave:
  4. Moluku

    Hi! Almost time for Zim!!!

    Hi everybody!! I just wanted to check in, please keep Zim in prayer as he is flying home from Paraguay today. And then comes Wednesday, when we go pick up the most Godly, thoughtful, kindest, cutest young man in the whole world!!!!! :clap: I can't wait to see him and we'll come on and say...
  5. Moluku

    Hi all.

    Hey everybody! Missed you all! Update on me and Zim. He's doing great, only about 32 more days until he gets here. Paraguay and the internship are going great for him. He said it's a really great internship and the country is beautiful. I just finished up my last term at the community...
  6. Moluku

    Parental Units

    What are some of the embarassing things you parents made you do/did to you growing up?
  7. Moluku

    Zim made it!

    Just thought i'd let everyone know my fella made it to Paraguay. His dad called me this morning to say he'd arrived safely this morning. Please keep him in prayer while he's away, and thanks for doing that! :) I'm a little lost in the evenings now without him, but i'm really happy he had this...
  8. Moluku

    Please pray for zimfan

    Hi everyone, I have an urgent prayer request. Please pray for Zimfan, he's going through some difficult things right now and could use some encouragement and prayer during this time. He's become such a dear part of my life and I hate to know he's in such pain and worry at the moment. We've...
  9. Moluku

    Difficult for me and my mom.

    Things have snowballed for me and my mom right now and we're being hit with some hard things right now. We're both faithful and trust in God, but sometimes it's hard to be positive and rest when problems continue to mount. If anyone could pray for that God provides and that our faith remain...
  10. Moluku

    Childhood Antics

    What's something you loved to do as a child that you continue to do today? I still LOVE to play with bubble wrap and go around popping it. Immature I suppose, but it does annoy my mother and entertain me at the same time. ^_^ (I got this idea from psychology class this morning...hence the...
  11. Moluku

    Favorite Valentine

    Ok, we've all been around long enough to have had a sweetheart or are with someone at this moment. In other words, each of us probably have spent Valentine's Day with someone. What was your best valentine you received from that special someone? Something you still cherish even though they are no...
  12. Moluku


    crush (kr¾sh) v. a. A usually temporary infatuation. b. The object of such an infatuation. Ok, at some point or another, everyone has had at least one crush in their life. And with the recent matchmaking thread, I'm going out on a limb and saying that some matches have been fulfilled. :D Either...
  13. Moluku


    pro·cras·ti·nate (pr½-kr²s"t…-n³t", pr…-) v. pro·cras·ti·nat·ed, pro·cras·ti·nat·ing, pro·cras·ti·nates. --intr. 1. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. --tr. To postpone or delay needlessly. --pro·cras"ti·na"tion n. --pro·cras"ti·na"tor n. Who all...
  14. Moluku

    First and last.

    What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? :idea: What is the last thing you think of before you fall asleep? :sleep:
  15. Moluku

    What do you fear most?

    What do you fear most in a relationship? Outside rejection since that would be the most obvious thing that anyone would have on their mind.
  16. Moluku

    Favorite song.

    What's your favorite song and why? That song you just can't stop listening to and get excited whenever you hear it on the radio. It's that one song you bought the entire CD, but would never listen to the rest. Mine is probably "Everything" by Lifehouse. It's such an awesome worship song...
  17. Moluku

    When you're down and low.

    What do you do when you're sad, had a bad day, a broken heart, etc. There could be many reasons why you're down in the dumps, but what do you do when this happenes? I tend to drift towards the chocolate, chat with my best friend, eat some more chocolate, and read a good book for the 10...
  18. Moluku

    Please just pray.

    Going through an extremely tough time. Rather embarassed to say what,nothing big, just personal to me. Asking for healing and strength in the Lord to get through what has happened. :cry: :cry:
  19. Moluku

    Thanks for the necklace!

    To whoever gifted me with the pretty necklace, much thanks. If you ever feel like letting me know, I'd be glad to thank you "in person". ;)
  20. Moluku

    Broken hearted

    Today wasn't the most pleasant of days, but who doesn't have a bad day? But a hard reality came into play this afternoon. And there are many thoughts, questions, and doubts running through my head right now. The decision made by a friend that nothing more can come of an online relationship...