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  1. M

    Word association game

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    Word association (10)

    all aboard
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    Am I weird?

    Nah it's not weird. The best part about life is being an individual. Be you.
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    Word Association for Young Adults (4)

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    What kind of milk do you drink?

    I don't see my option here. I drink soy milk.
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    Favorite "old school" game/s?

    All of the mario bros. I still dig them.
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    Rock Star Bono appeals to Bush at National Prayer Breakfast

    Hey that's cool. I like Bono. He's all right with me. More celebs should be selfless, and give their time to help the needy.
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    Is Homosexuality wrong?

    OP: No homosexuality isn't wrong. There sure are tons of homosexual topics here. What's up? I don't mind. I was just surprised. I think the thing about homosexuality is that people have made it their business to care about what somebody else is doing in their sex life. MYOB! Why does...
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    Abortion Solution

    What I think is that nobody should be kept from making the choice to save themselves and their own life. I understand why anti abortion people oppose it, because yeah I think there is a life in there. I wouldn't have one. An abortion, that is. I don't think I could. I wouldn't stop somebody...
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    Abortion Solution

    And you. Holy crap. I have never seen a minister act like you. You're encouraging other people to rip at that lady. What kind of minister does that? Sure no minister I have ever met. Now I don't claim to be a christian, but if anybody would keep me from becoming one, it would be you...
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    Abortion Solution

    I'm jumping in late here too, but I have to say that you are way off mhatten. That person didn't give any stats. Just to show you I'm being fair, I'll tell you I'm not anti-abortion. I'm pro-choice. I can spot when somebody is making posts just to start something. That one post that started it...
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    What are you listening to right now? 11)

    James Blunt. You're beautiful.
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    Why the pretense?

    If the employees and staff want to live together outside of marriage, what's the big deal about doing it off of the campus grounds? If you want to smoke pot, do it off the grounds. If you want to drink, do it off the campus grounds. If you want to shack up with one more more persons, and have...
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    Christmas or Winter Holiday; that is the question.

    Why would anybody want to call it anything but christmas? People are so overboard on being p.c. and all that. It's been christmas for centuries, or thousands of years, right? When did they first call it that? I think it's stupid to try to change things now,and really it's all about the...
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    I need a recipes for a birthday dinner

    Hi all, I need a recipe for a chinese noodle dish that has vegetables and chicken in it. My boyfriend's birthday is next week, and I want to invite him over to my place, well my parents place, because I'm in college and living with them. I want to cook the entire meal, so really I could use 3...
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    Rate the TV Series Above You Game (2)

    That's a funny game show. 8 out of 10 for the Louis Anderson version and 10 out of 10 for the Richard Dawson one. I remember seeing that Richard Dawson one on the game show network a long time ago. I don't know if they show it anymore. My show: Monk on the USA network
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    That dude (can't remember his name), the one who can't breathe right. I think there's something really wrong with him. I was watching it with my dorm mate and a guy who lives down the hall. He's got asthma, and he said he thinks that guy is having asthma attacks. Whatever is wrong with him...
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    LOST Season 2

    Lost is my favorite show of all time. I love it. I'm so excited to see that it's back on. I hope it's going to be a series that lasts for years.
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    do you throw your mascara away at 6 months?

    I used to keep mine until it was all used up, which was generally about a years time. Then a friend of mine got a very bad eye infection, which her doctor said was due to the fact that she used contaminated mascara. He explained to her that bacteria forms in the mascara, and it breeds there...