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  1. E

    Through the Cross

    To answer that directly, No! However, salvation comes from faith. The result is the work of the Holy Spirit in a believers life, the end result repentance in which we would make choices to live in a more Christ like manner. Jesus said "If you love me you will obey my commands." Which would make...
  2. E

    Through the Cross

    I may be misunderstaning your post, however the Bible does not say all men will recieve eternal life, but only those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, that He died on the cross and rose on the third day. Please refer to my post above for a couple references. I would be happy to...
  3. E

    Through the Cross

    There is a significant difference in "talking the talk and walking the walk," and actually believing in the heart. The Christianity the Bible endorses is a belief, conffession and acceptance of Jesus as the Savior and that, although it is not the requirement for salvation, that we live a Christ...
  4. E

    Through the Cross

    Just to clarify; Grace is by faith (the heart condition), not by works (the really nice things we do). This fact does not nullify the act of confessing a belief in Jesus. If one is not willing to stand by his/her belief, do they really believe? Furthermore, if you pick through scripture for what...
  5. E

    Through the Cross

    Eph 2:8: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith..." Rom 10:9-10: "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with...
  6. E

    Through the Cross

    By reading his post, I would say the one the Bible endorses, which requires an active choice in believing in Jesus, rather then the false religion of "everyone goes to heaven," or "I'm Christian because I was born in America."
  7. E

    A couple non-doctrine questions?

    So would you say that most American Catholics essentially ignore the Pope? That perhaps his influence here in the US is nominal. I've been engaged in forums discussing the "watered down" church (protestant that is.) And I certainly agree that there are plenty of bench warmers on the...
  8. E

    A couple non-doctrine questions?

    ...Well..sort of... I've noticed for several years now that whenever the Pope addresses contemparary issues such as birth control, divorce, abortion and so on, that they generally take a very conservative stance. On the other hand, when talking about moral issues with everyday Catholics...
  9. E

    Is it shallow to care about looks ina girl?

    I'm married now, but for me, I've found that personality can change my perseption of looks. If a woman looks attractive, but then I find that she's got a bad personality, I have a tendancy to start noticing her physical flaws. On the other hand, if a woman is not as attractive but she's got a...
  10. E

    Justification to not engage in fornication

    It depends on the translation you are using. When I did a word search In the KJV on my computer I came up with 23 occurances in the New Testament and another 13 in the Old Testament. In every case it is at least implied that the act is in sin. In Acts 15 and 21 it appears 3 times and is rendered...
  11. E

    Are All Christian People Like This

    We try to stay away from such things, even in fiction. This is mostly for the kids in the sense that we don't want them to think that certain things are ok or justified. We get a little looser as the kids get older and understand the differences between real life and fiction.
  12. E

    Wives submit to your husbands.

    Well said! In my house I'm blessed with a "strong willed" wife, who has learned to truely submit. After studying what the Bible says about household leadership, we both came to agreement that the husband is essentially the next highest "priest", if you will, after Christ. Or what we've...
  13. E

    Are All Christian People Like This

    For one, I know my God is pretty big, so I have a tendancy to not rule out the idea that He may have created life in other areas of the universe. Additionally, the Bible talks of unearth like creatures in heaven. I don't give creedence to ghosts, but I do believe in demons. However, I don't give...
  14. E

    Is sin worth it? (Serious and Mature Christians Only!)

    I agree that everything you do or don't do regarding sin must be done out of love for Christ rather than extra brownie points in heaven. There is nothing you can do or not do aside from believing in Jesus to have eternal life. However, Jesus said in John 14:15, "If you love me you will obey what...
  15. E

    When has someone gone too far. (is ___a sin)

    I don't know that this is that far off topic. People have turned to doctors today to "remedy" all their problems rather then the Word of God. There's a label placed on everything that would be a trial by biblical standards. Mothers neglect, abuse and even kill there own children in the name of...
  16. E

    What is perfect?

    Your question does seem to be vauge. Christ, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, God's Word.
  17. E

    Please Help

    I have already prayed for you. Don't be afraid to seek Godly wisdom from another mature believer. If you are confused about your plenty of people on this site and probably in your church that will be honest, discrete, and nonjudjmental.
  18. E

    Can we be good without God?

    God's laws are written on your heart. If there was no God as the OP suggests then the answer would be no reason to do good except personal gain. Survival of the fittest does not care about the poor, the old or the physically challenged. Contrary to your belief I don't and haven't before becoming...
  19. E

    The Bible: Symbolic or Literal?

    Which would make it a miracle. It was quite large; 450 ft. long, 75 ft. wide, 45 feet tall. Keyword = Almost Noah, his wife, three sons (Shem, Ham, Japheth) and their wives. The Bible doesn't say the wives were related to the sons except by marriage.