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  1. Q

    To all of those who think...

    Marriage is the word used for the civil ceremony in the US. The word has already been "hijacked." You understand that when two Hindus (pagans) marry in the US, they are married and not simply in a "civil union"? Surely you complain about this with as much fervor as you do about teh gays trying...
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    Atheism vs Pantheism: Is there a difference?

    Of course deists believe in the supernatural. They believe the universe was created by an impersonal, supernatural god. It's ever aggravating when people seek to speak to the beliefs of a group as if it is uniform. Undoubtedly there are pantheists who do not believe in the supernatural, and...
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    Atheism vs Pantheism: Is there a difference?

    Non-personal pantheism and atheism are certainly very hard to differentiate. An atheist does not necessarily revere nature, science or the universe. A pantheist, even impersonal, generally will. In that sense it's an aesthetic difference. Whether it is squeamishness over the term atheism or for...
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    We Should Teach Our Teens To Wait Until Marriage For Sex

    I'm not talking about screwing every random Joe until you're married, I'm talking about having sex with your potential future spouse before the actual marriage. There's no issue of one being more or less experienced when the two to eventually be married are having sex before the marriage. I...
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    We Should Teach Our Teens To Wait Until Marriage For Sex

    I think it's foolish advice, really. Marriage isn't simply a financial/social/religious contract, and it seems unreasonable to expect people to marry without knowing they were compatible in every way (including sexually) that is important to those getting married.
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    Confused Athiests

    I've seen posts on other forums fostering the (incorrect) belief that atheism means "you don't like religion/aren't religious." If the poll did not clearly define "atheism," it seems rather likely that some non-religious theists would identify as atheist because of their irreligion. Edit: I...
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    What do you think of this response?

    I agree completely.
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    So a Muslim friend of mine gave me a link to a site promoting why Islam is the answer

    And I've a friend whose father thinks Jehovah destroys families who neglect to pray. Laypeople are not the best people to ask about doctrine. I don't see why it'd be any different within the Muslim community.
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    So a Muslim friend of mine gave me a link to a site promoting why Islam is the answer

    Polytheists (anyone who isn't a Muslim, Jew or Christian) do.
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    So a Muslim friend of mine gave me a link to a site promoting why Islam is the answer

    I note that, unsurprisingly, where "How to choose which religion is correct?" is addressed, the reading claims that false religion is identified by it's object of worship. The reading goes around in a winding way to get to the point that it's claim is made; Any worship not directed to Allah...
  11. Q

    Does abortion really equal murder?

    Does all of that empty back-patting have a purpose? You do know that you say Pro-lifers should not use the word murder in this context (which we know they often do) and immediately follow up with "We're more articulate and smart!"? When you're more articulate and smart than your adversaries...
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    10 Reasons Why Evolution Is a Lie: 1) Lack Of Scientific Tests

    "We" have not "given" you? Let me stop you there. Where do you get this idea that this entire issue is the Evolutionists trying to throw evidence at Creationists to prove a point? Research of all kinds brings forward facts which must be addressed. When fossils are found, we must weigh them...
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    Anti-gay Bingo

    Sure is; a tube of anti-bruising creme, for all the time you'll inevitably spend doing this: :doh:
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    Anti-gay Bingo

    Bonobos and the ambiguity of language would ask you to revise your statement. (For those who just felt a rush of wind over their heads, I meant that "unnatural" is an ambiguous label for any behavior, and mostly just an emotion-jerker/crowd-pleaser, without real merit. I'll take it for granted...
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    What is not grounded in subjective conditions?
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    Kill Them! Don't Play With Them. (molesters)

    Or, they'd go psycho over the loss of their piece, and lash out violently (potentially against children).
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    Why do people need laws?

    Nobody is an island. It costs the public if you have to be rushed to the emergency room after your unbelted form gets thrown from the car.
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    Do we become what we see?

    I believe it was actually a room full of toys; one group of children watched a video (might've been in person, but fairly sure it was just a video) of an adult hitting the Bobo doll and the other group watched an adult ignore it, interacting with the other toys. The experiment showed that the...
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    Turkey revises the Hadith

    I would submit that modern Christian doctrine and practice cannot be inferred solely from scripture. Tradition has a lot to do with any religion that claims revelation.