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  1. jbarcher

    Mark 9:41

    Not sure if you still come here, but There are some pretty interesting cultural factors that should inform our interpretation: Honor and shame, hospitality, patronage, group boundaries, and the way the earliest Christians thought about who was of greatest concern. I don't have time to discuss...
  2. jbarcher

    Information about the bible

    It's been a month since the OP was posted, but You can pick up any textbook used at a university / college level and start there. I think your questions are legitimate, sensible and worth pursuing; I've done that myself for the last decade. It's a really interesting journey that'll take you...
  3. jbarcher

    How to Spot Additions to the Text

    It's a good point that different people use language differently, but this is not a substantiated argument at all. You are arguing based on labels as opposed to empirical evidence. prog's question of manuscript evidence is a legitimate one and it is not persuasive to say "check out the...
  4. jbarcher

    Teens Forum

    I am not openly emotional but I will tell you with tears in my eyes that if it were not for someone in university, on this board, telling me that things are really different and that highschool doesn't set the course of your life (or something very significant), I would be in a very bad place...
  5. jbarcher

    Teens Forum

    Would like to say something. editing == I have been in CFT for almost 6 years and I modded for 13 months at some point. Over these 6 years I have followed a number of changes in CF, watching processes run their course and begin other processes. I was surprised to find a "mess" like...
  6. jbarcher

    Personality type and Prayer

    Understanding MBTI more will help interpret these sorts of things. I actually came across this a year or two ago and found it quite interesting. There do seem to be kinds of prayer that are more appropriate for certain types, and I would add that having a more appropriate kind of prayer...
  7. jbarcher

    Thousands get a fresh look at Catholicism

    " "Many people think Catholics believe in three gods," Stagnaro said, pointing to three knots in a rope. "But," he said as he made the knots disappear, "it's really one God in three forms." People smiled and clapped." Is that in the catechism? o_O Last time I checked what that magician is...
  8. jbarcher

    Tao Teh Ching chapter 13 and Jesus

    It's nice to see potential parallels. This should not be surprising in the least, because Christianity began as a Middle Eastern movement. Several Eastern religions' conceptions of 'the self' and the way they approach suffering are far closer to Christianity than North American, industrial...
  9. jbarcher

    "Old" Heresies

    "Greetings Blasphemous Heretic/Schismatic/Heathen/Pagan/Infidel/Impious Unbeliever" You just need to add a helpful, "Circle all that apply" at the end. I mean, how could people be angry when you provide clear instructions? :P
  10. jbarcher

    the weight of glory

    +1 And who is St Jack?
  11. jbarcher

    the Baptism of Jesus

    What is the technical purpose of the term?
  12. jbarcher

    the Baptism of Jesus

    I don't know what qahal is, but the social function would be what a status transformation ritual does. Jesus would have a new status in the community.
  13. jbarcher

    A Virtues Teaching

    Cool. Virtue ethics is one of the most important 'comebacks' in terms of modern ethical thinking. People are starting to realize that a focus on 'doing' is less important than the question of 'being.'
  14. jbarcher

    Is the US going bankrupt?

    I don't know about reality being simple but I was going to ask about how national debt factors into "bankruptcy". If I understand how value-by-fiat works, I can't imagine the US going bankrupt. :scratch:
  15. jbarcher

    Baptizing my daughter this Sunday!

    Hi NC. ^_^ I'm gladdened to hear of this. :)
  16. jbarcher


    One of my friends says that the Prot churches she's been to [and have been going all her life] are no where near Scripture-centered as Mass. At the same time, sometimes it seems like Catholics are all about tradition and the Pope (the impression seems to dominate among Prots who 'argue' via...
  17. jbarcher

    Split-brain patients, consciousness, and the existence of the soul.

    Being an emergent dualist I don't find this troubling. I believe William Hasker is one of the top contemporary emergent dualists, so look into his writings to find out more (cf. The Emergent Self, 1999). As someone who's done a bit of phil, I should warn you that phil of mind is relatively...
  18. jbarcher

    Who was Mithra? Refer to his sources to get to the scholarly material--not to say Holding is unscholarly, but it's generally worth reading people's sources. (Freke and Gandy are nutcases, btw. Read after going through actual scholarship.)
  19. jbarcher

    How can a literal Adam and Eve plus evolution coexist?

    They're committed to that interpretation of Genesis?